Dating and gift shopping

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Nat's POV
(First person)

Omg. Wanda just asked me out. Did I hear that right. EeEkkkk.

Yes of course I would, I blurted out whilst slightly bouncing on my toes.

She smiled and slowly leaned in to kiss me. I felt as if fireworks were going off inside me. Was I dreaming.

3 days later

It is now the 27th and me and Wanda have gotten so much closer after these past few days. I'm happier than I have been for a very long time and apart from the occasional flashback I haven't had too many bad dreams or sleepless nights. The puppy me and Wanda have bought for Hope is coming home in 4 days and we are so excited.

Today was Thursday and Hope had the day off school as it was an inset day. Meaning all our alarms were delayed a few hours so we could get some much needed rest.

I was up slightly before my alarm and turned to face my clock. 9:00am which was only half an hour earlier than my alarm. I sat yo canceling the once needed alarm them pulled out my laptop to start organizing Hope's birthday. I was thinking of taking her out for the day to the beach or something than getting food and giving her a promise ring saying how I promise to be the best mum possible and protect her from harm. I also wanted wanted to be there as she was my girlfriend and we needed to tell Hope.

After half an hour of shopping and planning, I finally had the perfect day set. First we would have waffles and pancakes for breakfast, then head over to the Avengers private beach house. After a full day playing on the beach and in the sea, all of us would head to a nice Italian restaurant (which was Hope's favourite style of food). Finally, we would head to the beach house's outdoor movie theater, open her presents and then give her the ring. We would stay the night and come back the next day after a breakfast out. During the breakfast me and Wanda would hold hands to see if she would catch on and if not - which was unlikely - then we would tell her.

Wanda had been with me during the planning and agreed on it all before giving me a gentle kiss and going to check on her.

Hopes POV
(First person)

My alarm started to ring loudly in my ear, startling me awake. I sat up and remembered I had an inset AND was missing maths a DOUBLE period. Thank god for inset days. I messaged Emma and Luke asking if they wanted to hangout some point today.

Hey guys wanna hang out today

Of course I do

Sorry guys I'm out today
but I can on Saturday

You can come to mine
Saturday if you like
Dont freak
out over where
I live tho

Um Hope why
would we

Well you can find out on
Saturday but for today
Luke do you wanna go to
the park at around 3:00pm

Of course I do see you then
and see you guys tomorrow

See you tomorrow

I turned off my phone and smiled so happy I finally found a nice group of friends.

As I was thinking about going to the park I heard a soft knock in the door.

Come in I called out to the silent room.

Wanda's face appeared as she slipped in to my room.

Hey kiddo me and Nat just wanted to check if you were awake she said softly to me.

I smiled and gave her a quick hug.

Can I go out with my friemd to the park later I asked nervously seen as I had said I could.

Of course you can replied Wanda me and Nat are so glad you have friends.

I smiled amd she turned to leave.

Breakfast will be ready soon she said as she left.

I got up and started getting changed. It was my birthday soon and I was excited to spend it with my new family.

Present scene


ope headed to the kitchen where she was greeted by Wanda and Nat who were making pancakes. Well, Wanda was making them as Nat cut up fruit. Hope sat down and after a little wait Nat handed her a plate consisting of two pancakes, strawberries and a small bit of whipped cream. She smiled and began to eat as they each took a seat beginning in there own plates.

They asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she replied with books, a bit of jewelry, clothes maybe horse riding lessons or a music room. Nat and Wanda looked at eachother as Wanda sent her a telepathic message.

'Should we get her a horse'

Nat responded.

'Maybe we could get tony to build her a stable and buy her one or two. I know I would love to ride again after learning in the red room.'

They continued back and forth for a while.

'Thats sounds like a great idea and as for a music room we already have 3 spare storage rooms that are not used so maybe we could convert one. I know one is next to Hope's room and with Tony's money and strings we could get it done in a day.'

' Then its settled.'

They smiled across to eachother as Hope began to speak.

Can my friend come round on Saturday for a bit then maybe we could go to the cinema she asked hopefully.

Of course Nat and Wanda replied in sync.

'This is perfect'

Wanda said to Nat.

Authors note
Sorry for the wait .When I put something in '' then they r communicating telepathically. Also Wnada and Nat eeek. Hope you enjoyed this I'm really just trying to move it along to the main plot but this stuff take times. Love you all thank you for over 600 views!! Like ahhhh. I have a poem collection out as well now.
Love you all 3000


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