(The) 1

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I awoke to a loud chirping filling my room from outside. I yawned and rolled over, shielding my face from the bright sunlight that was creeping through the cracks in the curtains. When I had shifted my position, I was facing my girlfriend, Reputation. I smiled as I looked at her peaceful face, it wasn't often she was this calm and it made me happy to see her sleeping soundly. I gently pulled the covers up to her shoulder, covering her bare skin. I stayed in this position for a while, just admiring her beautiful features and watching her chest rise and fall with each breath.

After a few minutes, her eyelashes fluttered and she slowly opened her eyes. "Morning babe," I said happily, but softly. She smiled and snuggled into my neck, I wrapped my arms under hers and gently pulled her toward me, wanting to feel her warmth against my skin. I closed my eyes and rested my head on hers, caressing her hair and savouring the moment.

"What time is it?" I heard her groggy voice say from somewhere tucked into my neck.

"11" I murmured back, my hand still stroking her soft hair.

"Already?" She groaned and I chuckled.

"Rep, we should probably get up now," I said slowly, pulling myself into a sitting position.

"Noooo" she replied and pulled me back down to her.

I chuckled again "Alright, a few more minutes."

I placed my lips on her forehead, my arms around her waist and her's around mine. We stayed like this for many moments. Still, and in each other's grasp, where we loved it most. Suddenly the bedroom door opened, I kept my hands where they were but lifted my head in surprise. Rep did too.

"Hey, you guys up? I'm just looking for-"

A girl with wavy blonde hair stood in the doorway, wearing a cropped purple top and a short black skirt.

Rep instantly scowled and said "We were in the middle of something! Can't it wait?"

I gave Rep a warning look and turned to Speak Now with a smile. "Sorry, Speak Now what were you looking for?"

'My eyeshadow pallet, have you- never mind, got it!' She reached over to Rep's dresser and plucked a small packet of makeup wipes off. "You should come downstairs soon, everyone's had a sleep-in this morning and Red is making pancakes."

I nodded. "Alright, we'll be down soon".

Once Speak Now had shut the door behind her I turned to Rep.

'We should get dressed, love' I soothed quietly.

'I know' she sighed, and I just grinned in response.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far, even though it's only been 1 chapter lol

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