Paper Rings

992 25 160

Song: Lover- T-swizzle


After this day, I felt better than I had in weeks. I finally had the time to socialise and look after myself and do all the things I realised I had taken for granted. I had ended up going to therapy sessions regularly and it helped me to get through the pain I had endured. The others were so incredibly kind to me, and I felt so lucky to have them all around me. And then there was rep, it had been a while since our small talk and rep had proved her devotion to me more than once. I decided to ask her out at the same park rep vented to me all those months ago. After going over my idea in my head for a bit I opened my phone and went to her contact.

<Lover's Phone>


Hey rep! Would you like to go to lunch with me at the park today? I want to catch up 😊

Rep: sure! I'll get ready now.

Lover:  Awesome! 🩷

<Back to reality>

As soon as rep replied my mind bustled with thoughts. What am I going to wear? What if she says no? That's ridiculous Lover of course she won't say no. WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR? 

I rummaged through my closet before deciding on a short pink skirt and a black cropped top, a slight mixture of our styles. I brushed my hair and applied a natural makeup look with red lipstick before pulling on my black boots and grabbing my handbag off my bedside table.

I looked at myself in my mirror for a few seconds, confirming I was happy with my look and then walking downstairs.

Rep was still in her room and the only people I saw were Fearless and Debut. What they were doing, was something I never thought I would see. Fearless was leaning against the pantry door with Debut straddling her waist. They were making out, but both of their heads turned my way when they saw me walk in. Fearless dropped Debut and they looked at me sheepishly.

'Did I miss something or is this new?'

'Is what new?' Fearless retaliated.

'I'm guessing you guys are a thing?'

'Are we?'

'How would I know?'

'Whatever, hey look it's rep!' 

I spun around and saw rep walking down the stairs toward me. My mouth dropped open slightly when I saw her perfectly styled hair and makeup.

'Hey Lov! Ready to go?'

'I- what? Oh yeah, yeah let's go'.

Rep chuckled at me and followed me as I walked toward the door.

The sun warmed my skin as we walked along the road towards the park together, and the once orange and gold trees were adorned with bright green leaves. The last time me and rep had walked here together we were hand in hand, thinking back to that moment made me overwhelmed with nostalgia, but in a good way. After a few minutes of peaceful silence, rep spoke up.

'So, what's the occasion?'

'Nothing in particular, I just wanted to catch up with you'.

Rep smiled at this and put an arm around my shoulder.

'How are you doing recently? You seem to be happy'.

'I'm actually doing well! Therapy has helped a lot, and everyone is being so amazing to me, thank you for asking'.

'My pleasure! It's good to know you're well'.

'Comment allez-vous?'

Rep laughed. 

'I'm doing well! I didn't know you spoke French?'

'I've been learning it just as a hobby to take my mind off things, it's really fun! You inspired me by knowing some yourself'.

'Well, I'm honoured you remembered that about me, that was years ago wow'.

'I know right, time is flying'.

After conversing for a while, we made it to the park and found an empty bench to sit on.

I quickly decided that it would be best to ask her the big question as soon as possible.

After inhaling and exhaling, I turned to her.

'Rep, I'm ready'.

'What for?' 

'For us. I want to be with you'.

I could see rep's face light up as I said this.

'Really? Because I do too!'

'Awesome! So, rep, do you want to be my girlfriend?'


As she said this, rep picked me up and spun me around before placing me back down.

'I love you so much, Lover'.

'I love you too'.

As I said this, I reached up and connected our lips, rep kissing back immediately, her hands on my waist.

After a minute, I pulled back, smiling widely.

'I missed this' I said quietly.

'I missed you too, cutey'.

I blushed slightly before remembering something.

'Wait I brought something for you!' 

'You did not. Lover, please don't tell me-'

'Shush, I did'. I pulled a small box out of my pocket and passed it to her. I watched rep's face as she looked at me quizzically but opened the box, nevertheless.

'Oh my god, Lover, it's beautiful. You seriously did not have to do this for me'.

Inside the box was a silver snake ring that wrapped  way around the wearer's finger.

'I just want to thank you for always being there for me'.

'I would die for you Lover; you don't have to gift me for it'.

'Shut up and accept it'.

Rep smiled at me and slipped the ring onto her pointer finger happily.

'Thank you so much, lov'.

'You're very welcome'.

Rep placed a finger under my chin and directed my lips to hers, and I immediately kissed her passionately.

AN: Sorry this one is kinda short y'all, but it's so fluffy and wholesome so I love it. Also, do you think I should start to wrap it up or keep writing? I have another Lovertation fanfic on the way that I'm really excited for but I'll do whatever you peeps want to read! <3

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