Chapter 11

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Daniella's Pov

"You are so hot." He said, trailing his finger through my wet clothes.

I kept struggling, but there doesn't seem to be a way out. He suddenly tore my clothes, I struggled more in tears…God please help me!

He used his tongue to lick my exposed stomach, I feel so utterly disgusted by his act. All I could do was cry while struggling. I continued to scream even though it was pointless. The rain continued to drown out my screams.

"Help! Help! Please…" I yelled, but then another smack came across my face, making me shut up.

He squeezed my chin tightly in his grasp. "You're really a fool if you think anyone's gonna show up to save your sorry ass. You are all ours bitch." He jeered, letting go of my chin as all of them laughed.

I cried with the realization that I am doomed. Suddenly I could hear some ruffling in the truck and the next thing, all the men were flying out of the truck. More like being thrown out of the truck by someone. I quickly gathered myself and my torn dress and crawled to a corner of the truck in fear. I held my knees so close to my chest.

All I could hear were the men groaning and punches flying here and there. I really do not know what's going on out there. But whatever it is, I'm glad those horrible men are far from me. After a while I couldn't hear the punches or the men groaning again. Everywhere went a little more quiet except for the pattering of the rain. Then a man climbed into the truck, fear immediately gripped me thinking it's one of the men again.

"Hey, Daniella…it's me, Javier." He said, kneeling down close to me.

His voice, his scent…it's really him. I have never been so glad to see him, I crawled towards him quickly and hugged him before breaking down in more tears in his arms.

He saved me.



Javier's Pov

I've been working for hours, trying to fix some issues I found out in the business accounts. At last I did which is a relief. So I'll send it to my personal assistant email and have it delivered to my accounting officer for clarification. Getting out of my seat, my butt hurt for sitting down there for hours.

The clock stroked 6:45pm as I looked at it. I walked up to the smalli wine chamber at a corner in my study and brought out my favorite bourbon bottle and a glass before making my way back to my desk. Placing the glass on my desk, I opened the bottle of alcohol and poured in a small amount of it into the glass. I gulped it all at once and I felt the familiar hotness in my chest. This is clearly what I need in this gloomy evening weather.

A light knock on my door snapped me out of the moment. The door opened, and Penelope walked in.

"Penelope, can I help you with something?" I asked, pouring more alcohol into my glass.

"Not actually…" she said, her voice trailing off.

I looked up at her where she stood away from me, her facial expression doesn't settle well for me. I could tell she seemed tensed and worried too.

"What is it?" I asked, concerned on what might be bothering her.

"It's Daniella." She said, hesitating a bit.

Hearing her name reminds me of what happened this morning. I was somewhat rude to her, I didn't mean for that though.

"What about her?" I asked, somewhat interested.

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