Chapter 12

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Javier's Pov

After a moment I could feel her body relax in my arms. The feeling of guilt began to wash over me. if only she had taken one of my cars she won't have had  to experience all these a second time. I suppose even the first time was my fault as well

First I need to take her home before she gets a cold. Blocking my thoughts I pulled my coat and used it to cover her torn clothes, then I lifted her up into my arms. Carefully, I made my way out of the truck and placed her inside the back seat of my car. I got in and so did Juan who hit the road the next minute.

The ride back home was really quiet with her looking out the closed up tinted window. I wonder what could be going through her mind at this moment? She must be tired, possibly replaying what happened to her.

In the next few minutes we arrived home. Juan came around and opened the door for me to come down but I have to carry her because I believe she must still be in trauma to think that she was almost raped…because of me.

"Hey?" I called out gently to get her attention.

She turned to look at me, I brought out my hand for her to hold on to. She was hesitant for a moment before she placed her hand in mine. Gradually, I guided her out of the car and carried her in my arms.

"Do well to inform the police about what happened and make sure those bastards never see the daylight again with the worst torture possible." I told Juan before heading into the house.

I will make sure some of those rapists Juan caught rot in hell for eternity. I came to a stop when I saw Penelope coming down the stairs. She looked down at my arms and her eyes suddenly went wide with her hand covering her mouth immediately.

"What happened to her? Why is she in this condition?" Penelope asked as she made her way to us.

"Get a doctor to come down here quickly." I said before heading upstairs.

I don't want to go into details about what happened, I just want her to be relaxed and attended to and be sure she's okay before any explanation is made. That's the least I could do for her.


I poured alcohol into my wine glass that had two ice cubes in it. I gulped it down in one go and poured another. I took a cigar from my stash, lit it and smoked on it. I'd hoped it would relieve me from some of the guilt I'm feeling right now.

The thought of what would've happened if I didn't show up exactly when I did made me bitter. She could've been raped by those men or worse still, killed. I really didn't mean to be that mean to her.


"Drinking yourself to stupor won't make you feel any better, Javier, you know that right?" Penelope's voice broke my terrain of thoughts. She stood in the corner of the living room.

"I didn't hear you come in. How is she?" I asked.

After the doctor came I left, I wasn't able to stand there and watch her getting treated knowing I caused it.

"The doctor said she'll be fine after some days rest. Javier, it's not your fault." She soothed.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I asked, pouring more drink Into my glass.

"You had no idea that this was going to happen, you don't need to beat yourself about it."

"Do you know what would have happened if I was thirty minutes late to that place?" I asked, looking at her.

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