Chapter 25

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Daniella's Pov

It's been days now since my discussion with Penelope. I still find it hard to believe that I've actually fallen in love with Javier. Maybe I'm just imagining things.

I got startled out of my thoughts when I heard the attic door creak open. I turned to see Javier enter the room.

What's he doing here? How did he know where to find me?

“So this is your special hideout, I see.” He said, walking in and viewing the place.

My heart seemed to beat twice faster. For days now I've been avoiding him, escaping to the attic into the embrace of my drawings after I'm done settling Natalia for the day. Vain attempts to block out all the weird feelings I'm having lately.

I watched him as he walked over to my already used canvas, inspecting the drawings out. His facial expressions every now and then tells me how impressed he is with my work.

“You're really good at this.” He complimented, his gaze never leaving the canvas. My heart skipped. “Have you ever thought of displaying these in a gallery?”

“I have, but I don't want to keep dreaming of the impossible.”  I said with a small smile.

There were times I dreamt of having my artwork hung up in a gallery and have people gazing at it and admiring it. But I killed that dream in my head because I knew it won't ever be possible considering my poor background.

“Now I get why you’re always here every now and then, in this tiny studio.” He said, finally shifting his gaze to me.

I couldn't help but chuckle on the thought of calling this place my studio when it didn't look like one.

“Not really. I come here when I feel bored in this big house or..”

“..or when you want to avoid me.”

“Huh?” His reply caught me off guard. How did he arrive at that conclusion so soon?

Well, he's not far from the truth.

When I run away from him, I run away from these unrequited feelings of mine.

“Are you avoiding me, Daniella?” He asked, taking a step towards me.

My heart skipped at the mention of my name.

“N-No, why would you say that?” I could almost hear my heart pounding.

“You say one thing but your eyes mean another, why?” He urged, taking another step forward with his hands tucked behind him.

He should please stop coming closer or my heart will explode from the way I'm feeling right now.

“It's not like that..”

“Why do you avoid me?” He asked, taking one step forward again.

I tried to take a step backward, and in that moment I lost my footing. I was headed to the floor for certain when Javier quickly held on to my wrist in time and pulled me back onto my feet and toward him in an embrace. With the side of my face against his chest, I could have sworn his heart pounded a little faster than it would.

He pulled away from the embrace and gently nudged my chin, making me look up at him in his eyes.

“Are you okay?” He asked. For the first time, I saw the genuine concern in his eyes, and in his voice.

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