Chapter 10

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Daniella's Pov

I watched on how cute Natalia looked as she giggled while she playing with her toys. I wondered if her birth mother is extremely beautiful just like her. It must've been hard for Javier to let go of her. Speaking of Javier, it's been two weeks since we last crossed paths. According to Penelope he's been up in his study and does go out for meetings. It's more like he sleeps and eats in that study of his because he hasn't come into the room for two weeks now.

Not that I care anyways. I'm clearly happy that I won't be seeing that annoying man for the mean time. But then again, why does it feel like I'm saying this to convince myself that I'm okay with not seeing him.

"Daniella? Natalia?"

I heard Penelope calling out to us, I guess she's looking for us.

"Hey baby, it's time to head in. Nanny Penelope is looking for us." I said to her with a sweet smile which she returned.

"Okay." She said.

I dusted her hand filled sand before making our way out of the garden and into the house. For nearly two weeks now I've come to the garden to help the workers do some seedings - the house is extremely boring so I had to occupy myself with it at least.

"Where have the both of you been?" Penelope asked as she made her way towards us with a tray containing a cup of black coffee.

"Garden!" Natalia said excitedly, making me chuckle.

"I see. Anyways, you go get cleaned up from all that dirt and come down for breakfast." She said to Natalia.

"Okay." She said and hopped her way up the stairs.

Penelope turned to me. "And you do the same as well."

"Who's the coffee for?" I asked when she was about walking away.

"For Javier, he asked for it." She said.

"Can I take it to him?" I heard myself saying, giving me a surprise.

Do I want to see him and using coffee to do so?

"Hmmm…okay, go get your hands clean first." She said.

I nodded and went to the kitchen. I pulled off my gloves and washed my hands in the sink before coming out. I took the tray from her with a thin smile before heading upstairs with all these questions of why I had actually offered to bring the coffee to him.

Am I missing him or I just want to know how he's doing? Should I really be caring for an arrogant man like him?

Clearly not, but I need to only because I have to as his wife, and nothing more. This statement sounds more like caring for him than just fulfilling a wifely duty.


Forget it.

Standing in front of his study, I took in a deep breathe before placing a light knock on the door before I turned the door knob and walked in. Looking round the study I don't seem to see him, isn't he here? Maybe he's not.

I made my way to his desk and placed the cup of coffee on his desk. I wonder where he went off to. I don't get why I'm suddenly feeling down. I sighed and turned to leave when something caught my attention. There is a picture frame turned face down on his desk. Curiosity got the better of me and I picked it up. Looking at it, it happens to hold a picture of him and a woman.

They look so close and happy together. The woman was beautiful, she had Natalia's eyes. And suddenly a thought occured to me. Could it be?

"What are you doing?" Javier's voice startled me, I turned to see him coming out through a door that I clearly didn't notice was there.

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