Chapter 30: Destroying Death

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I think I hate you but I can't be sure.

Before I could analyze and digest my surroundings, I had to rush to the bathroom to puke my insides. I had never vomited after drinking before, because I never drank too much, so it was very humiliating.

Reece instantly came up behind me and rubbed my back.

At that moment, I did my very best to push him away and puke without totally compressing my lungs. He moved a little, but he was still there and it was comforting.

I hated vomiting.

I know, I know, who likes vomiting? It's just that I don't mind headaches, fever, cough, and all. But vomiting is just like another level of bad.

After the entire puking thing was done, I finally decided it was time for me to face the music.

It was finally time for me to work things out between me and Reece.

Yes, I hadn't even waited for an entire day, but I just couldn't resist.

"Please tell me you have one good reason as to why you cheated on me."

"I am sorry. I am sorry for hurting you. I really am-"

"You see, Reece, the thing is that I am not hurt. And I am not mad at you. I blame myself. I don't know what I expected. All along, all you've done is lie to me, and over and over. I don't know why I ever thought you would be above cheating."

"Chris please, I really am sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I broke up with him while you and I were still dating."

"And why did you break up with me, Reece? Cause one moment you say you did this for studies, the next it's because you never had feelings for me, and the next it's because you're gay. What was the real reason? Was it cause you wanted to get back together with Ian?"

"No. I just couldn't handle the guilt."

"Was that all?"

"Corey told me he liked you."

"So you basically broke my heart, and my self-esteem and hurt me over and over again cause your best friend liked me?"

"Don't go blaming me for everything. You let your confidence break. It was your fault you let me affect you so much!"

"I am sorry I loved you, Reece," I said, stepping away from him, hurt. He was right, it was my fault. I ignored the stabbing pain in my ankles and walked right out of his room.

"Chris, stop, I am sorry, I didn't-"

"I don't know why I ever even thought this could work out, Reece. I don't know why I thought this time would be better."

"Listen, Chris-"

"Don't! I don't want to create a scene!"

"Really?" he asked me sarcastically.

"Excuse me?"

"I am sorry, I didn't-" I ran out of the door. He tried to follow, but I was too far gone.

I felt exhausted. I was still in my previous night's clothes. My hair was certainly a mess and I was hungover. I could only hope not to get into another accident.

Our houses weren't that far, so I was back at my place in less than ten minutes. The neighbors gave me judgemental stares as I entered my house.

I filled the bathtub with hot water and sat peacefully in it for an hour just to burn the pain. It was only when I noticed the shrunken skin on my fingers that I decided to get out.

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