chapter 2

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It's been about three times that Jiseok had been "kindly" asked to give money to Jooyeon and he couldn't just say no even though it made him go crazy inside. He couldn't let anyone know about their kiss additionally because the kiss wasn't his fault at all. Jooyeon himself admitted to Jiseok that yes, he was the one who initiated the kiss but as we know, the police won't care...

Walking down the corridor and seeing Jooyeon from a distance was never a good sign to Jiseok, the boy was like a bad omen to him, always smiling for no reason and behaving as if he was just meeting his friend.

Jiseok didn't know how long he would have to give his money away to him but, he knew he couldn't do this for a long time. Now it didn't bother him because his monthly income was enough for him to have some savings. Soon after the tour, his band was having in the next month, it might become harder for him to give Jooyeon whatever amount he wanted. 

Jiseok was now standing on the balcony, a place that barely anyone in the University knew existed and between his lips, he was holding a lit cigarette to find some peace in this fucked up world. Holding tight onto the railing, his eyes wandered through the landscape in front of him and his nostrils breathed the fresh, cool air. 

Getting away from reality was something he loved doing. His restless mind could finally say goodbye to its bothering thoughts and just be there. Exist. Nothing more. His smile could finally be replaced with a bored and tired facial expression allowing him to breathe freely and not be tense at all. It was like a dream to him. Do nothing and be happy about it. 

His eyes focused on the slowly moving forest—swingling left and right as if it were his fans dancing to the slowest songs his band had. Hesighed questly, letting his mind cool down. He loved forgetting about all his problems and struggles. Although, doing it was always hard. Getting away from one particular thing was barely possible for him lately, even though he thought he was safe there on his beloved balcony. 

He was wrong

"I was looking everywhere for you, oh my lord... Jiseok, how the fuck did you get here?" he heard a panting voice that belonged to no one else but Jooyeon, the boy who definitely acknowledged how Jiseok's money smelled and sensed it somewhere in the air. 

"Better question, what are you doing here?" he took the fag between his fingers and blew smoke slowly from his lungs. Jooyeon coughed accidentally breathing in all that had gotten out of Jiseok's mouth. "Mind me smoking?" the boy shook his head and used his hand to disperse the grey cloud.

"I said I was looking everywhere for you," he repeated himself adding. "And if I say everywhere, that's what I mean."

"Good. Now, what's the purpose of your visit here?" another question just to make sure he aimed to grab some pretty money and spend it on whatever he wanted. 

"You already know why," as if he was reading his mind. Jiseok nodded letting out a quiet chuckle that informed Jooyeon about his astonishment. "I don't need a lot, just 100 dollars." 

He smiled at him lightly waiting for a proper response that he didn't get. Jiseok shrugged his arms and turned to look at the people walking down the street, they just came out of the vast, green forest and were heading somewhere he didn't know. 

"Jiseok?" Jooyeon asked to gain his attention because he seemed to zone out... No response at first, so he joined him in holding the railing as if his life depended on this activity, yet instead of looking forward, his eyes were fixed on the smoking boy. 

"Why should I give it to you?" Jiseok asked simply, knowing very well how it was going to end up. The second time Jooyeon had asked him for his money he did the exact same thing: demand for the reason, but the young boy just showed him his phone and smiled at him with bare teeth. He threatened him with the police for something he didn't even do. 

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