chapter 13

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"What do you mean he still smokes?" Junhan sighed suddenly and stopped fiddling with the material of his red and black sweatshirt. He looked at Jooyeon who was leaning against the wall as he sat on the wooden bench. He stared outside the building, at the balcony where he had tasted the cigarette passed from Jiseok's hands to his mouth.

"He promised to stop this Monday," he continued. "And I trust him."

"If you say so," Junhan shrugged. He liked Jiseok, he seemed to be a good guy. "You need to give him some time, you know? It's hard to stop doing this so suddenly. The thing is that you can see how hard he tries." He stated and noticing Jooyeon's reaction, he furrowed his brows. The boy didn't seem to like his words completely. His lips were curved into some grimace that spoke of the uneasiness of his mind.

"Which makes me feel amazing but you know what's not so comforting about the whole situation?" He sighed very quietly and the moment Junhan hummed something in response, he continued. "I feel like whenever he smokes he does it because of me. The last time it was because he was concerned about me not forgiving him completely."

"You think that you are the reason why he smokes?" Jooyeon nodded. "I doubt it. It's not likely to be the main reason." Junhan explained, truthfully to his thoughts. Jiseok was just addicted, that was the case. At this point, no matter how he felt, he smoked them because he knew he had to do so.

"If not the main, then it still is a reason. I'm trying my best not to make him worry about anything but it's like he can read my mind." Jooyeon was dwelling on it, his voice sounded even irritated.

"I don't know Jooyeon..." Junhan sighed. "It would be best if you talked with him about it."

"Talked with who?" Seungmin appeared out of nowhere. He had some soda cans in his hands and offered them to the boys, smiling at them so brightly.

"Jiseok," Jooyeon replied, taking one of the drinks. He looked at the clock on the blue wall and questioned Seungmin's quick arrival.

"Finished my work earlier, but it's not the matter," he explained sitting on the bench next to them. "Has Jiseok talked with Gunil already?"

The mention of Gunil made Jooyeon exceedingly uncomfortable. He looked slightly down, unable to utter a single word.

"I don't think so, why are you asking?" Junhan was the one to speak up first, he noticed how drained of energy Jooyeon was and decided to help him out.

"It'd be good if they did so," unfortunately for Junhan, all Seungmin's words were directed towards Jooyeon, whom he even patted on the shoulder. "Gunil is very concerned about him."

"It's not my problem, Seungmin," he snorted quietly yet firmly. "I don't care about Gunil."

"Alright, alright," Seungmin replied, he seemed weirdly annoyed. "Maybe after a short talk together, they would change their attitude towards each other."

"Min, I don't think that he wants to talk about him," Junhan said, clenching his hand on his boyfriend's arm. Seungmin sighed quietly, the look on Hyeongjun's face wasn't pleasant, to say the least.

"You do?"

"As you can see," Jooyeon replied, straightening his legs in front of him. He had no idea what to do to not go insane thinking about Gunil. Doing something with his body to distract himself seemed to be the best way to achieve this target.

"Then I won't," Seungmin gave up. Although he had to add his two cents just to make sure Jooyeon would at least try doing as he said. "Still, I think it would be a good idea if they finally talked. Running away from each other is pointless."

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