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"Ugh," Luke groans, holding his head in his hands. "I have a headache." Like the great little sister I am, I take the opportunity to jump on the couch beside him and accidentally roll into his body. Because of my run and hop, it pushes him off the couch. "Huxley! Now is not the time!"

"I had to get the remote," I smile innocently, then frown and offer him a hand up. Luke takes that moment to snatch the Xbox controller out of my fingers. "Hey!" I exclaim, five seconds too late. That's the last time I take pity on him!

"You snooze you lose," Luke retorts with a triumphant smirk. I stick my tongue out at him, looking for another of my brothers to back me up. None are in sight.

"Do you even have a headache?" I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest. I can throw a mean pout when I want to. We all have stubborn streaks a mile wide.

"Yeah!" Luke glares at me, rubbing circles on his temple. I casually inch closer to him, eyeing the remote. His six foot four self raises his arm in the air and gives me a look to try it. I huff and throw myself back on the big sectional. "Math is a bi-."

"Don't finish that sentence!" Odin, the brother in charge of us at the moment, hollers from the kitchen. As much as Odin huffs and puffs about cooking supper, he actually enjoys it and he is good at it which is something I can't say for the rest of my not so culinary talented brothers.

"Math gave you a headache, huh?" I question dubiously as Luke turns the Xbox and TV on.

"Oh my gosh, yes, now shut up!" Luke glares at me. I wince, feeling pity for him when I notice the red in the whites of his eyes and the blush on his cheeks. That's a sign that Luke is actually in pain. But I got the controller first so technically I should get the choice of what we do.

"Put on Vampire Diaries!" I demand, sliding closer to him on the couch. Luke glares at me and moves to the end, controllers on the opposite side of him.

"That lame ass shit? No thanks," he retorts. His fingers quickly roam over the Xbox controller, turning on COD.

"Aw, hell yeah, I'll play." Hollis, another annoying brother, nabs a secondary controller.

"I had it first! Not fair!" I whine, jumping on Luke. He laughs and holds his hands in the air, controller out of my reach. I grip my legs and arms around him tightly, eyes narrowed. "I - had - it - first!" I dig my knees into his hips and use that as leverage to pull him down while I jump up. Even after all these years, it's a move he isn't expecting and he falls back from the pressure as I tackle his arms and the remotes into my chest.

"So not worth it," he mutters, closing his eyes as he stretches out on the couch. I smirk at him triumphantly, waving the controller in the air.

"Why, thank you." Another annoying brother, Silas, this time, takes the remote from behind me and runs to Hollis's side.

"There's too many of you!" I groan, flopping down on the couch beside Luke, who not so gently pushes me off. Hollis and Silas snicker and high five each other. I land with a thump but content myself with laying on the floor. If I can't watch my beloved Vampire Diaries, I might as well watch them play COD. It's not like I have homework waiting in my bedroom.

"I was quite enjoying little sister's show." Simon, yet another brother, although not annoying at the moment because he snatched the remote from Silas, jumps on the couch. Silas tackles him for the controller but Simon tosses it to me.

"I have a headache!" Luke yells, squirrelling into the couch to avoid our two wrestling brothers. Silas is taller, but Simon is tougher.

"Thanks Manny, love you!" I blow him a kiss and turn to the TV, tuning out the grunts and other fight noises. It's normal in a house with six teenage boys. I exit out of COD before someone rips the controller out of my fingers and dances away. "Emmett, c'mon! You know you love Damon!"

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