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I snooze my alarm for the umpteenth time and roll over to a more comfortable position in bed. My sore muscles scream at me for it and my bones crack like an old ladies. My limp-as-a-cooked-spaghetti-noodle arms valiantly try to tuck my blankets around my very sore and stiff body.

"Huxley!" Hollis screams through my bedroom door. "Shut that damn thing off!"

"Make me!" I half holler, half mumble, digging deeper into my bed.

"That's it!" Hollis huffs. My bedroom door slams open and his rage filled face fills my vision before I squeal and hide under the covers, giggling when he rips my alarm clock from my night stand and throws it at my dresser. Then, he rips my blankets off and throws them at the doorway. They land in a tangled mess in the hallway.

"Don't you dare!" I screech, tugging my pillows close to my body. It's a poor defence with my liquid-ee arms. One by one, with smug taunts, Hollis chucks my five pillows out my bedroom door.

"Now go back to sleep!" Hollis smirks wickedly, stomps out of my bedroom and slams the door.

"You suck!" I shout at his back. I huff and puff but roll out of bed, stretching my numb feeling arms, especially my biceps! They must be my weakest muscle! I yawn and stretch, glumly wishing for Dolly's cup of ambition.

Odin went on freak out mode last night when Ivan was driving me around, and once again, all my girl clothes disappeared. I want to be upset, but I also just don't care because I'm content in Simon's sweats and Hollis's shirts and Odin's sweaters.

Just to be petty, and make Hollis even angrier, I round up all my pillows and blankets, plug in my alarm clock and plop back into bed. Nine minutes later, my alarm clock is beeping again.

"OH MY GOSH, HUXLEY, YOU BIG BABY!" Hollis screams. He barges into my room again and rips the plug in from my alarm clock before tossing it at my dresser. I was laughing but then I scream when he breaks my mirror.

"HOLLIS!" I scream, frozen at the cracks splintering across the silver screen.

"You kids better cut it out!" Odin hollers up the stairs. Ivan appears in my bedroom doorway. He throws his head back and moans, running his hands through his hair and over his face.

"Hollis, calm down, you psycho spaz!" I kick my heels at him. He braves the pain and wraps his fingers around my ankles, dragging me out of bed. I land on the floor with a thump, my hair sticking out with static.

"Please, Hollis, get your hands off your sister." Ivan's voice is deadly calm. I'm scared of his controlled fury rippling in his muscles as he walks to us. Hollis is now straddling me, hands cutting off circulation on my wrists.

"Why the hell do you always have to snooze three damn times?! Just wake up or set your alarm for later!" Hollis shouts at me, spit flying on my face. Suffice to say, Hollis is not a morning person.

"Last warning, Hollis, hands off your sister." Ivan says, eyes honed in on his youngest brother. Hollis lets my arms go but they wrap around my sore biceps and I cry out in pain because that really hurts. He shakes me like Emmett and Odin did yesterday and my head bangs on the floor before Ivan pulls him off of me.

"Why does she–!"

"Not now, Hollis," Ivan steps between us. I scramble up, folding flyaways from my face. Odin makes an appearance, surveying the damage done to my mirror and my bedding all over the place.

"Hollis, did you hurt my fucking baby?!" He roars, shoving Hollis back. Hollis trips from my bedding and lands on his butt.

"Yeah, he did!" I cry out, hunching my shoulders to look pitiful and willing tears into my eyes.

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