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"Thanks for breakfast!" I holler over my shoulder. My nights sleep was fitful because Odin and I are still at odds. But Ivan is right. If I want him and Odin to treat me more maturely, I have to act responsibly, even when I don't feel like it. The silence at the table was tense but in Odin's presence, I was too scared to stand firm in my beliefs.

"Shotgun!" Hollis dibs, running to Emmett's passenger door. Simon isn't driving today so we all have to pool with Emmett.

"Not the middle!" I shout, slamming the door behind me in my rush. Simon is already sitting behind the passenger seat and Luke is waiting behind the drivers door.

"Sorry, sissy." Luke's smile shows he isn't that sorry. He shrugs in a weak apology. "You snooze, you lose."

"Sorry not sorry." I Charlie horse his thigh. I was aiming for his butt but his legs are too darn long.

"Huxley!" Lukas groans, rubbing the now sore spot on his thigh.

"Serves you right," I mutter as I climb into the backseats tiny middle seat. It's so small, I sit on the buckle because Simon's legs are spread ten miles apart. "Shove over!" I push against his left leg.

"Don't touch me!" Manny slaps my hands down. He motions to his backpack sitting between his legs. "There's no room!"

"Hold your backpack!" I hiss, jamming my seatbelt into the buckle. Luke slides in beside me, long legs bunching up high and his right leg squishing both my legs together and into Simon's. "Oh my gosh, I hate this!" I moan.

"Oh shit," Hollis laughs in glee as Emmett backs out of the driveway. "We forgot Silas."

"Ivan dropped him off at school early," Lukas speaks up. "Wanted to talk to him privately about last night."

"Rip," Simon says, shuddering. We've all been talked to by Ivan and they are not fun. They're, like, five hour guilt trips.

"You're stepping on my toes!" I squeal, elbowing Luke in the side.

"Not on purpose!" He elbows me back. I take in a short breath when he catches me between ribs.

"She's in a mood." Simon rolls his eyes. "Just ignore her."

"Isn't that hard to do because I'm stuck in the middle?" I hiss, elbowing him as well.

"At least Silas isn't here, either." Hollis smirks. "That'll be–."

"Shotgun on the way home!" I dibs, pointer finger tapping my nose.

"–even worse." Hollis continues, ignoring me.

"Lu gets shotgun," Emmett decides. He drives like a mad man, zooming in and out of lanes without signalling. "My car, my effing rules."

"But I'm always squished," I whine. My backpack sits on my lap and I hug it into my chest, elbows clutched into my sides. Sometimes, my brothers use me as a punching bag even though Ivan always tells them to leave me alone.

"You're the smallest," Hollis states the obvious.

"Hush, pygmy," Emmett sneers scornfully. "I'm not in the mood for your bullshit."

"Harsh," Luke coughs but he doesn't stick up for me.

"Asshole," I mutter, sinking into myself. If it was my other brothers except the oldies, I probably would have hit them until they took their words back but Emmett doesn't do take backs. He'd rather be beat good by Odin than go back on what he said. Emmett and Simon rarely ever apologize.

"Shut the eff up or get the eff out," Emmett warns as his eyes meet mine in the rear view mirror. I gulp at the rage on his face and nod, not wanting it directed at me.

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