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"What you gonna do now that you are ungrounded?" Odin drawls. I give him the stink eye when he flops on the couch beside me, bouncing me into the wall. Odin insisted we all get up early to pray the rosary together before Luke, Silas, Hollis, and Manny's basketball game. He had to keep elbowing me to stay awake since morning me is horrible at waking up.

"That was unnecessary," I deadpan, huffing when I have to rearrange myself to get comfortable again. Then, I motion to the TV. "I think it's pretty obvious."

"You can't be glued to the TV all day," Odin sighs in distaste. After Baby's shocking announcement last night, I'm surprised that Odin and Ivan are leaving me home alone with Emmett. Levi has to work, as well as Ivan, and neither can take me for however long the games would last.

Odin, surprisingly, is not dragging me along because he has to protect me from the world. I'm betting he made some sort of deal with Emmett. Or, he actually trusts Emmett because Emmett is a butt hole towards me.

"Don't you have a basketball game to get to?" I ask benevolently, ignoring his gaze to stare at the TV. Due South, my favourite comfort show, is quietly playing. I've watched it so many times I can mouth along to the subtitles without looking.

"You kicking me out of my damn house?" Odin arches a brow. I gulp at the mean look on his face.


"Don't whittle away at the TV all day, love." Odin places a hand on the back of my neck and pulls my head forward, then pecks my forehead. I wince at how easily he can move me around. I'd always taken his muscular body for granted because he'd always used it to defend me, but now he has hurt me. "Ivan and Levi are at work but Em and Lu will be home."

"Lu, too?" I ask with a frown. I bite my lip as I look away from the TV, to Odin who is walking through the archway.

"Yeah, he has another migraine. Just let him sleep." Odin answers. He ushers Hollis and Silas through the hallway, slapping Hollis's back and shoving Silas forward.

"He hasn't been sleeping well, loser," Simon informs me with a tired warning look. "Just let him sleep."

"Go to Emmett for any problems," Odin adds. He twists the doorknob, checking to see if it is locked. They're out of my view now but I can hear him do it.

"Yeah, right," I scoff quietly to myself. As if I'd go to Emmett. When the door clicks shut and the lock buzzes, I relax in freedom I rarely ever feel. Emmett hasn't appeared since breakfast had finished and Lukas is still sleeping. For the first time, since maybe forever, I am alone.

I'm not sure what quite to do with myself. It soon becomes very boring, watching a show I've watched a thousand times. I'm not tech savvy like Silas and Emmett, so I can't watch a show Ivan would disprove of because I can't delete it from my watch history. It's not like I even have my own account. Odin and Ivan share, and us youngers all share.

Flicking through movies quickly bores me. TVD beckons to me but I ignore the urge. It hasn't left season four, episode ten since Ivan banned us from it. Then, I pass by The Originals. While TVD is off limits, Ivan never did say anything about The Originals, so I put the show on. It's a good enough loophole for me.

Soon, I am invested in Klaus's story. He reminds me a lot of Odin, just a way cooler and more powerful version because he is half vampire, half werewolf and he comes from a line of witches. But then I pause the show, guilt washing over me. Ivan abhors witchcraft. He admitted that he is absolutely terrified that, even through a screen, demons could still possess us.

With that scary knowledge, I shut the show off. Ivan and Odin have brought us to church enough for me to know how very real demons are. I don't want to be possessed. For extra safe measure, I dig in the cupboard above the fridge for some holy water and holy oil to bless myself in the sign of the cross. Then, I pray a quick prayer asking for protection and repenting of my sin.

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