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"You again!" Baby narrows his eyes at me, but a grin wiggles free. I stand with my hands on my hips, sun glaring at me from over his head. It makes my eyes water but I don't back down.

"Are you following me?!?" I exclaim, pawing at the hard packed earth and short cropped green grass.

"Pfft, as if you warrant that type of attention." Baby waves my indignation off. Astrid snickers beside me.

"I'm not sure if that should be an insult to who I am, or a compliment that a maybe crazy stalker thinks I'm not his type of senile," I quip back. Emmett is really rubbing off on me if I can keep up to Baby's fastballs!

"Two laps around the track!" Our female coach hollers. She is wearing navy blue leggings and a grey t-shirt contrary to most teachers wearing slacks and a blouse, or dress shirt with muted colours. "Go, go, go!"

"We have to run?" I deadpan, my voice a whine. My toes drag on the grass as I follow the group of eleven girls and six boys to the red dirt path. Baby walks in step with me.

"You gotta be in shape to cheer," Baby informs me. With that he jabs at my ribs.

"Leave me alone!" I huff, slapping at his hands to keep them away. It doesn't work too well, so I start jogging to get away from him.

"That was the plan, Stan." He grins at me. I stick my tongue out him, feeling dumb for falling for it. It seems obvious now because the rest of the cheer squad are running in front of us.

"I didn't know you were a cheerleader," I say. My arms are sore from the workout with Kieth but I pump them like Odin has shown me, even though I never relished the opportunity of running with him whenever he made me. It's about once a week, if I'm lucky. Usually, Odin drags me for what he calls a 'leisurely' jog around the block twice a week. That run has me huffing and puffing with sides cramping. Although, Odin looks like he just stepped out of the shower, all fresh and clean.

"Never really bring it up," Baby admits. When he catches my eye, it's with a vulnerability I've never seen in him. "Your brothers don't really agree with it 'cause they're all macho men, but it's kinda fun."

"Screw my brothers," I say loftily. It comes out awkward because I'm already gasping for air. "I give you permission."

"They're still my friends." Baby throws his head back with a laugh. "We just have a difference of opinion. We agree to disagree and leave it at that."

"At least Astrid isn't dying around you now," I comment to divert the conversation. It seemed to be getting too serious for our sarcastic friendship.

"Just wait 'til I flex, Huckleberry," Baby cockily smirks. I roll my eyes. My breathing is already coming in pants and we're only halfway through the first lap. Baby, on the other hand, doesn't even look affected. This is where I kick my couch potato butt in the ass.

"What do boys do on the cheer team?" I ask, desperately vying for water. My throat is already parched. The sun beats down too hot, making my body temperature rise more than just from running.

"Mostly the lifts, throw girls up in the air so they can spin and shit," Baby answers. He picks up the pace a little and I follow his lead, even though I really don't want to. The rest of the squad is already way ahead.

"Thanks for staying back with me," I say with a sheepish smile that is abruptly cut off so I can take deeper, gasping breaths. "I didn't think you were this nice."

"Puh-lease, it's only so I can do this." Baby smirks. Then, he sticks his foot out in front of my legs. I jump over it, used to underhanded tricks like that from Hollis and Silas.

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