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I sigh deeply and roll over in bed. Sunlight streams through my open curtains. The bright light is most likely what woke me up before one of my brothers did. Hollis has yet to buy me a new alarm clock. I'd rather have the curtains closed to prevent this, especially since it is a Saturday morning, but Odin insisted on it. I could either keep them open, and earn the trust of the oldies, or have them removed from the rod.

My deep sigh is out of sadness. Today would have been my first game day where I actually was allowed to cheer, but Odin has grounded me for four months. Ivan didn't even argue in my defence. It looks like my brief time on the cheer squad is a very small stint, hence my sadness. It is also super embarrassing.

Hollis has the most students on his social medias. Apparently, what happened is all over. I find it super embarrassing. Nothing happened! Something just about happened, but it didn't. Why is everyone making a big deal about it? I just want it to go away!

I sigh deeply again, this time out of relief. At least with being grounded, I have lots of time to think. And, boy oh boy, do I have plenty to chew on.

I still haven't got any answer on who Izak Sullivan is. Maybe it is time I just walk right up to Odin, or Ivan, and ask them. But, I know that is a bad idea. Ivan was so disappointed that I ran off with Manny, without any way to contact them, that he couldn't even talk to me when we arrived home. Odin played a mini game of 'Simon Says' and 'What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf?' with me until he got his point across.

No running off. No leaving without plans already formed, and under Odin, Ivan, Emmett, or Levi's, supervision. Manny isn't allowed to babysit me anymore. And, since Luke went berserk, it's not safe for me to be alone with him.

Unlucky for Manny, he didn't get off as light as me. As soon as we stepped through the door, Odin landed a punch to his right eye. The force of Odin's punch spun him right back outside and he fell down the three steps leading up to the front door. Then, he was locked outside until Odin called Levi, Ivan and Emmett, who were all driving around town, looking for us, and told them that we arrived home.

When we were little, Odin and Ivan had to lock Emmett, Simon, Silas and Hollis in a secure room sometimes. They were the four that would go berserk and wreck anything in their path. That room is in the basement, under the downstairs stairs. It is padded all around and sound proofed, like a crazy ward room. Odin shoved Manny in it until Ivan got home.

Manny has his phone taken away, as well as his car keys. For making me happy, and helping me forget what Austin did, he is grounded. He enjoys basketball, but he knows he isn't tall enough to make it on a university team, so he is okay with it. We're all hoping Lukas gets a basketball scholarship, but he doesn't even know if he wants to go to college.

I'm surprised Ivan and Odin haven't come upstairs to wake me up. Bad kids don't get to sleep in. To score some 'good kid' points, I roll out of bed and walk downstairs.

A feminine voice stops me halfway down the stairs. Since when is there a girl at our house this early in the morning? I sit on the step, silently waiting to hear what I can from the kitchen. A smile slips across my face when I hear the woman speaking again.

Ivy came home for a surprise visit.

I stand up to run to her for a bone crushing hug. The stair, of course, has to creak under my weight. I stomp on it to show my anger and resume my trot down the five other steps. Inside the kitchen, Ivy is laughing at a joke from Odin. Ivan might even be chuckling along.

Thank you, Ivy! This is why they didn't wake me at the crack of dawn for a full day of chores. Silence permeates the kitchen when I walk in. Ivy is sitting on the stool, sipping coffee. Odin is at the stove, cracking eggs into a frying pan. Ivan is by the fridge, a Brita filter in hand as he pours himself a glass of water.

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