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"Hi, stu bop!" I greet Levi excitedly. He narrows his eyes in suspicion when I launch myself at him for a hug, but he reciprocates the gesture. I had been waiting impatiently for him at the front door and jumped up when I saw his truck rolling down the street. When he saw me, he revved his engine and black smoke trailed behind as the thunderous exhaust pipes bellowed in my ears. When he pulled into the drive, I heard Dwight Yoakam blasting from his surround sound speaker system he recently installed under the trucks backseat.

"Hey there, little koala." He pats my back and digs his chin onto the top of my head.

"Ow, Levi!" I moan, wiggling free of his dirty work clothes. I smell diesel and oil, and I happily breathe it in deeply. "I was being nice!"

"No, you were sucking up for something." Levi deadpans. He takes his baseball cap off and tosses it into the top of the closet shelf, then runs his hands over his hair, smoothing his dark blond strands back. "What'd'ya want?"

"Your supervision for a movie night!" I pull out the best doe eyes I can muster and clap my hands into the universal prayer position, kicking my heel against my butt. Ivan and Odin have a ridiculous rule about staying up late, on the rare times that they actually let us stay up late, one of the oldies has to stay up with us. Now that Levi is older, we tend to ask him. "Pretty, pretty please, with a cherry on top? Odin refuses to stay up late and Ivan has to work tomorrow."

"One condition." Levi caves easier than I expected. I so knew he is still a child at heart. I clap my hands again and beam up at him.

"What?" I ask, maintaining my puppy dog look.

"We are not binging Veggie Tales." Levi states firmly. I open my mouth to protest but he cuts me off. "Non-negotiable."

"Okay, fine!" I reach forward with my left hand and flick his nose.

"You better run!" He growls, swiping at my arm. I race away, laughter spilling from my lips. He can't chase after me just yet, having to unlace his work boots, so I am in the clear. Not one for any type of exercise, I quickly slow to a walk. Cheerleading practice and workout sessions with Kieth are more than enough.

"What did he say?" Hollis hollers from the sectional.

"Dude, I'm right here," I deadpan. His eyes finally leave the TV screen to look at me.

"Oh, hi." Then, he returns his attention back to shooting a rather large gun at a horde of zombies. At least, I think they're zombies. Luke and Manny are playing the game as well, while Silas sits on the floor, an encyclopaedia held too close to his face.

"Movie night, anyone?" I ask, squishing in between Manny and Luke on the couch. They huff and puff but make room for me to sit comfortably. It's like I blew their house of straw over. Jeez.

"No." Lukas doesn't even bother hiding a yawn behind his hand. Silas flips a page in his hardcover book, humming at whatever he reads.

"Okaaayyy, Donkey." I roll my eyes. Luke gently knocks his shoulder into mine.

"I think I'm gonna take melanin soon, Fiona," he informs me. Thankfully, this time, he hides his yawn with the palms of his hands. I don't argue his decision, spotting the red lines in the white of his eyes. Maybe it's my fault he hasn't been sleeping. He was doing alright until I brought up Izak Sullivan.

"Haha, sucker!" Hollis crows. I chuckle when Luke glares at me, as if it's my fault he was yawning, but it sounds a little forced.

"Someone say yes!" I raise my voice to get their attention.

"No," all four brothers in the living room immediately respond.

"You ALL suck!" I groan, throwing myself into the couch. Then, I sit up with a smirk. "I promise I'll put on your favourite show!"

Sullivan Siblings Where stories live. Discover now