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"Good morning, Huxley." Odin's voice rings near my ears. I harrumph and roll over, stuffing my pillow over my head. It doesn't silence him but his voice is now muffled. "Get up, Huxley."

"No thanks," I reply with a yawn.

"I let you sleep in half an hour," Odin sighs in distaste. "Get up."

"Half an hour more," I mumble. Then I throw my arm over my pillow so he can't rip it away, and pray for dear life.

"Up, now!" Odin retorts, ripping my blankets off. He's turning caveman. That's how we know he is annoyed.

"Odin!" I whine, shivering from the cold. Now that I am colder, I can feel my period more. It's so not fun. Why was I excited to get my period when it is already putting me in pain?

"Wake up, Huxley!" Odin raises his voice. I wince at the anger but stubbornly dig my toes into the mattress.

"Haven't you heard?" I mumble, trying to pile my extra pillows over my body for warmth. "Awake is the new sleep."

"Huxley, this is your last warning," Odin huffs. I peek my head out from the pillow and crack open an eyelid to see if it is, in fact, my last warning. Odin's arms are crossed and his right foot taps steadily on the floor. The expression on his face is fighting not to be amused.

"I'm a woman now," I giggle at my words. "I can get up when I want."

"You are an undisciplined teenage girl!" Odin groans. He starts throwing my pillows off of me. All the while, he mutters about making me work out from now on so I can be a little more less lazy and couch potato-ee.

"Okay! Okay!" I screech when my hair sticks to my face from static and goosebumps rise on my skin from the cold. I sit up with a very petty glare directed at Odin. "You didn't have to be such a t-Rex about it."

"Haha." Odin's laugh sounds more like a bark. "Last verbal warning, love, get up!"

"I'm up, I'm up," I murmur. I swing my feet off my bed and let them swing a few times before setting my toes on the floor. Odin nods and that's when I finally take a good look at him. Of course, he's already showered and dressed in his usual long sleeve shirt hanging over his jeans. Tucked in his shirt is a rosary with a pardon crucifix and miraculous medal, along with a brown scapular that always gets tangled with the rosary, much to his annoyance.

His rosary also has his patron saint medal, an exorcism St. Benedict. Apparently, it's super powerful. I know his pockets have at least three rosaries each and his right wrist has a knotted rosary bracelet and his left wrist has a jujube wooden rosary bracelet. He always says he needs to keep enough rosaries on him for us all to randomly and quickly sit down to pray.

"That wasn't so hard now, was it?" Odin asks in a patronizing tone.

"It was horrible," I affirm with a cheeky grin.

"You impossible imbecile!" Odin groans as I dig in my dresser for a fresh change of clothes. I was wearing Silas's sweats since he has the shortest legs and one of Simon's shirts. I swear he buys them just for me because they are super tight on him and most days he wears fancy button ups like Ivan. Ivan, Simon and Hollis have high end style while Odin, Silas, Emmett, Levi and Lukas just throw on whatever.

"Gonna shower," I inform Odin. I casually punch his bicep on the way past him. "So leave me alone."

"Puh-lease, you don't leave me alone," Odin drawls as he backs away. "Breakfast is waiting for you."

"Sure thing, Rex." I smirk before slamming the bathroom door. My shower is fast and let's face it, super gross, because I have to rinse off three extra times because of the blood dripping on my thighs. It's super annoying and now I am thankful I never got my period until now. When I'm dried off and dressed, I run my brush hastily through my hair and brush my teeth. Then, I walk downstairs.

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