Valor Part 3

119 3 0

Pairing: Jake x Reader, Daniel x Reader

Word Count: 13.4k

Warnings: Cursin', Smokin', Drinkin', Allusions to Drug Use. Angst: Struggle and Poverty, Emotional Manipulation, Abandonment, Jealousy, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Weapons, Fighting, Blood, Mentions of Death, Mention of Suicide, Suicidal Actions, Crying, Heavy Angst, Allusions to Shady Activities, Coercion, Gambling, Betting. Smut: Kissing, Heavy Petting, Oral F!Receiving, Fingering, Unprotected Penetrative Sex.


"I want details." You demanded, determined to understand at least why they were keeping you so involved.

They both gave you almost the exact same look, half-agitated and half-understanding they had to at least give you something. Jake cleared his throat first.

"My dad...passed away seven years ago, and when he did, he left behind more than this shop." Jake drew on his cigarette, readjusting in his seat as he talked. "Ace had a bad gambling problem, so bad that it put him in more debt and more depression than I really ever knew about. He used to hold these poker games for fun, until he started losin' money, and started making more enemies than he did friends. Shit started to go south really quick. Honestly, it was a lot worse then, than it is now. The law was involved, dirty cops were playin' cards one night and harassing my dad the next, drifters started to come around and threaten him while he was was an overall unsafe environment for me and Danny." He went on.

"Wait." You interrupted, trying to grasp everything. "Danny, you were always here?"

He nodded. "Yup, I uh, I started off in foster care, one ever wanted to keep me. I was always getting into trouble and fightin' in school... Jake was my best friend. I stayed here more than I stayed at home...most of the time my foster parents never even knew where I was. But Ace took care of me, when he could hardly even take care of Jake. So one day, it was Thanksgiving, I think. I just...never left. I was still just a kid. Started watching every move Ace made mechanicin'. Taught myself how to fix shit." He ended the story with a harsh swallow. You knew that was something he didn't share often.

You couldn't help but smile, realizing a little bit more how close these two actually really were. Raised as brothers.

"So anyway, after my dad died, I was left with all this shit...all the money he owed to people fell into my lap. Not to mention all the other bullshit...the bills, the overdue payments, taxes...he was drowning then, and we're drowning now."

"And Teddy, he's been playing cards here since I can remember." Danny explained.

"Teddy..." you repeated.

"Yeah. He's the one that called yesterday, he arranges the games. My dad owed him so much money, we're still paying it back. We have to listen to him when he calls, we don't have a choice. Every time we have a game and either of us wins, we give him the money. Right off the bat. It's fuckin' horrible."

"Well how long until he's paid off?" You asked.

"We've barely even made a dent, unfortunately." Jake said, tamping his cigarette out on the floor between his boots. "It's rare that either of us win."

"Okay, well things are making a little more sense, I guess..." you could tell they were holding back on all the details, probably sparing you from knowing too much at one time. "So where do I come in, why are you hiding me?"

Jake took a deep breath, and leaned his elbows down on his knees, looking you directly in the eyes. "You're collateral. You're fresh meat. They know that if...they can get to you, they can use you."

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