Valor Part 4

135 2 0

Pairing: Jake x Reader, Daniel x Reader

Word Count: 25.1k

Warnings: Cursin', Smokin', Drinkin'. Angst: Struggle and Poverty, Emotional Manipulation, Abandonment, Jealousy, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Weapons, Fire & Property Loss, Physical Fighting, Blood, Mentions of Death, Mention of Suicide, Heavy Angst, Reckless Driving, Allusions to Shady Activities, Coercion, Gambling, Betting. Smut: Kissing, Heavy Petting, Allusions to Sex.


You twist your fingers together nervously waiting for them to walk your way. You saw the other car pull away in a cloud of dust, but the two of them still stood in the same spot, talking amongst themselves. You swallowed anxiously as you saw them start to head your way, sitting up a little taller in the front seat of Jake's truck.

Jake opens the door and slides in behind the wheel, as Danny leans into the passenger side window. "What do you think, you hungry?" he asks, looking down at you beneath his dark lashes.

"Yeah, I could probably stand to eat something." you pause, looking over towards Jake. "Plus it's his birthday..."

"Yeah it is...What do you think Jake? Louie's? My treat?" he asks, earning him a soft smile and a nod.

"Yeah, sounds good. Drop your bike at the shop first?"

Danny nods and smacks his hand gently against the windowsill, pushing away with a smile as he heads towards his bike. Positioning himself on the seat, he starts the bike and takes off first, Jake following behind him.

"So... Wha–what was the meeting about, or can you tell me?" you ask, as Jake pulls a cigarette from the carton in his pocket. He flicks the carved zippo to life, holding the flame to the tip and taking a long drag.

"Well, that man was at the poker game the other night. Just wanted to talk to me and Danny is all." he answers, the cigarette dancing around his lips as he spoke.

"That's it? That seems sort of strange? Why didn't he just come to your shop?" you ask, confused.

"Nothin' to worry 'bout." he says, turning the wheel toward the shop. You sighed, feeling the same feeling that they were holding things back from you again. None of your business, right?

You blinked back the confusion, scooting over so Danny could hop in the passenger seat beside you.

"I'm starving. I think it's meatloaf night!" Danny rubbed his hands together, and you noticed just how hungry you had gotten, too. It was mere minutes before you were pulling into the parking lot of Louie's. You'd really forgotten just how small this town was.

As you made your way to the front door Daniel held it open for you to enter first, seeing Geraldine working the counter. She motions for the three of you to sit wherever, so you follow Jake's lead to a small booth in the corner. You slide in first, Danny taking the spot next to you as Jake sat across. Seconds later Geraldine was greeting you with menus and mugs.

She poured steaming hot coffee into the mugs, before telling you she'd be back. Your eyes scanned over the menu, not really feeling like the days special of meatloaf.

"Did'ya tell her?" Danny asked, looking across the table to Jake.

"Nah." he grumbled, not bothering to look at Daniel.

"Tell me what?" you ask, folding your menu and setting it in front of you.

Jake's eyes flashed to yours, before meeting Danny's. "Okay, so the guy didn't just want to talk to us." he starts, pausing to run his fingers over his chin. "He saw us fight the other night."

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