Valor Part 6

179 3 0

Pairing: Jake x Reader, Daniel x Reader

Word Count: 23.4k

Warnings: Cursin', Smokin', Drinkin'. Angst: Struggle and Poverty, Emotional Manipulation, Abandonment, Jealousy, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Weapons, Physical Fighting, Blood, Bodily Injury, Heavy Angst, Reckless Driving, Allusions to Shady Activities, Coercion, Betting, Infidelity (if you squint), Public Nudity. Smut: Kissing, Teasing, Heavy Petting, Oral M!Receiving, Fingering, Voyeurism.


"Talk, Y/N. Now."

You watched as she scrambled, sleep and confusion still heavily weighing her down as Jake rubbed his face with his hands.

"There's nothing to talk about Danny, we just—the room got cold last night, I guess. I was probably thinking I was huggin' up on you..." She pulled the blankets and sheets away from her body, standing to walk into the bathroom. You sat back in the chair, an air of disbelief washing over you. The eye contact you made with Jake was short-lived, only a millisecond of time for you to read him.

He shook his head. "Swear, man. Nothin' to explain."

Jake never lied to you. Not once in your lives. He did lie for you though, quite frequently over the years. Lied for you to Ace, to teachers, cops, women, Teddy...the list went on. But the way he was acting right now, was the exact way he acted when he defended you. Except this time, it was her he was defending.

"Jake, just fuckin' tell me—"

"Nothin' to tell, Daniel. I'm sorry we—I'm sorry you had to see...that...but it really got fuckin' cold in here. I swear, man."

Y/N pushed through the door and began packing clothing into her suitcase.

"So you expect me to believe you guys were all up on each other like that because it got cold in here? Don't fuckin' insult me..."

"Danny, baby...I promise. It was a complete accident, it was a mistake. Nothing at all." She brought herself to stand between your legs, pulling your face in to place a kiss on top of your curls. "Okay?"

You glanced behind her to see Jake still seated on the bed, his tongue searching around every corner of his mouth while he nodded along in agreement with her. You snarled your nose. "Okay. If that's what you say."

You slapped your hands to your knees, pushing her away by the hips as you stood to pack up. The room stayed silent while you all gathered your things, and you felt your heart rate slowly start to level out. You zipped your backpack closed and threw it over the back of your shoulder, grabbing the keys from the table. "I'm driving."

You knew Jake wouldn't argue.

As you took off down the open road, you cranked the radio up as loud as it would go, hoping that it would drown out your intrusive thoughts. They both seemed generally unphased, but the heavy tension told you otherwise.

Yes, you were upset. Yes, you were surprised...pissed off you found your girl wrapped up in your brother's arms in a way that looked entirely too close for comfort. Your mind was running itself ragged wondering what they did under the sheets last night after you fell knew Jake probably had a hard time keeping his hands off of her, even in his sleep. Look at her...would you blame him?

But the rage had worn off. The initial surprise, the anger and the betrayal washed away as soon as you let yourself cool off. And what was left...?

...Not much at all.

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