Valor Part 9 Part 2

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Pairing: Jake x Reader, Daniel x OC

Word Count: 15.5k

Warnings: Cursin', Smokin', Drinkin'. Angst: Struggle and Poverty, Abandonment, Jealousy, Mental Distress, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Weapons and Guns, Anxiety, Domestic Violence, Domestic Control, Physical Fighting, Threatening, Nightmares, Abusive Parents, Abandonment, Bodily Injury, Heavy Angst, Mentions of Suicide, Allusions to Shady Activities, Coercion, Betting, Big Emotions, Fluff. Smut: Kissing, Heavy Petting, Foreplay, Teasing, Oral F!Receiving, Fingering, Unprotected Sex.


It only took a few seconds to register that Danny was currently having a candid conversation with the man that Y/N had run away from, and only one second more to realize that he was now looking at both of you in the face. "Fuck, are you serious?" You mumbled to Y/N, refusing to break eye contact with Peter.

"Very, very serious..." she replied quietly. You stood from your crouch and began making your way toward him and Danny. You felt your blood boiling, your muscles tightening with rage as Y/N pulled on your hand to stop you from whatever you were going to do.

"Jake, wait... stop!" You heard her from behind you, completely ignoring her warning.

"Stay here." You demanded. Your legs carried you toward them, approaching with a vengeance.

Peter's expression was twisted up into confusion and disgust; you could see his lip curling as he sized you up.

"Jake, what's'a matter, you guys want a drink, or not?" Danny asked, his voice almost like he was telling you to play it cool.

"I think it's best we leave, Daniel. Now." You barked at him, your jaw clenched.

"Uh, why? I just–"

You watched Peter's glare focus on her still seated across the airport lobby.

"Y/N?" Peter spoke low as it truly set in that it was her he was looking at. "What the fuck is she doing here? Who are you?"

"Wait wait wait... who the fuck are you?" Danny jumped in, holding his hand up and turning in his stool.

"Oh, he didn't tell you his name, Danny? Looks like you guys have struck up a nice conversation over here." You spat. "This is Peter."

Danny's eyes got wide as he turned back to face him. "Oh, is it now?!"

Peter jumped back in surprise. "Yeah, and how the fuck do you know me, huh?"

"Oh, don't worry. Our girl there has told us all about you." Danny retorted, his voice raising a little. "We know exactly who you are."

"Your girl?" Peter threw his head back and laughed, making a scene of himself as he pounded his fist on the bar. "You're fuckin' kidding me, right? What, do you think you own her or something?"

"No. Nothing of the sort." You glared at him, the rage running through your veins as he kept his eyes locked on her. "Hey motherfucker, look at me." You snapped your fingers and jumped in his line of vision, essentially cutting him off from looking at her. "You're gonna finish your drink, leave your money on the table, and go to the other end of the airport, you understand?" You threatened him.

"Who the fuck you think you're bossing around, kid?" He slurred, and you noticed that he was a few years older, and a bit more drunk than you had initially noticed. You stood stoic in your stance, daring him to disagree with you. You cocked an eyebrow.

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