Valor Part 9 Part 1

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Pairing: Jake x Reader, Daniel x Reader

Word Count: 12.5k

Warnings: Cursin', Smokin', Drinkin'. Angst: Struggle and Poverty, Abandonment, Jealousy, Anxiety Associated with Swimming, Anxiety Associated with Flying, Mental Distress, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Weapons and Guns, Physical Fighting, Abusive Parents, Bodily Injury, Heavy Angst, Mention of Needles, Allusions to Domestic Violence, Mentions of Suicide, Reckless Driving, Allusions to Shady Activities, Coercion, Betting, Fluff. Smut: Kissing, Heavy Petting, Foreplay, Unprotected Sex, Mild Gagging.


You didn't even know you'd fallen asleep. You'd spent most of the night reveling in the feeling of her in the bed next you. You never thought it would happen, but by some miracle she'd come back, and not only had she come back, she came back specifically for you. You could feel the heat of the sun peeking through the window, lighting the room with its warm yellow hue as it shined in onto the skin of her shoulder poking out from beneath the comforter.

Your arms were completely wrapped around her and your legs tangled with hers. You could smell her shampoo as you buried your nose into her head, and as you took a deep breath you felt your chest bloom with heat. You wanted her to come back, you wanted this just one more time, and now you had it. She was here and she was real. Your fingers grazed over her arms and over the slope of her waist, memorizing her every curve as she started to stir beneath your touch. You heard her breathing hitch as she woke up completely, twisting her top half to face you with her eyes barely peeking open.

"Mornin' sunshine." She spoke, her voice hardly above a whisper.

"Mornin' to you." She rolled completely and took you in her arms, letting her fingertips drift up and down your back, just as you had been doing to her only seconds before. You pulled the back of her neck down to rest in the crook of your shoulder, savoring the feeling of how she felt, how she smelled, the feeling of her fingers turning from a light brush to a deep, hungry pull.

"Careful, baby. Gonna start somethin' you might not wanna finish." You mumbled, feeling that bloom in your chest turning into a raging fire. But it didn't sway her. Her fingernails dug into the skin of your hip, dragging along it and up your back again. She scratched along your stomach, then up to your chest, leaving faint pink lines all over your already inked body. You let out a groan as her body lurched into yours, her hips pressing against your already hardened length.

"I said be careful." You warned, grabbing her wrist and steadying it to a stop.

It didn't take long for her lips to crash into yours, her tongue wasting no time sliding into your mouth. She whipped the grip you had on her wrist to switch your hands, guiding your palm to harshly grab at her tits. You squeezed and kneaded as you kissed her back, the taste of her so familiar now. Your hands began flying around each other, gripping and pulling at everything you could as you fought your instincts. Your lips parted for a second, and you let your lips graze her jawline, peppering tiny pecks all the way to her ear.

"I can't believe you're really here..." You mumbled, running your tongue up the shell of her ear.

"I can't believe I am, either. I couldn't stand it, Jake. I couldn't stand being away from you." Her whispers were breathless, the sound of her voice wanting as she took your face in her hands to look directly into your eyes. She smiled as you finally looked at one another, the feeling of actually being in the present hitting you both at the same time.

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