Valor Part 5 -1

84 2 1

Pairing: Jake x Reader, Daniel x Reader

Word Count: 12.5k

Warnings: Cursin', Smokin', Drinkin'. Angst: Struggle and Poverty, Emotional Manipulation, Abandonment, Jealousy, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Weapons, Physical Fighting, Blood, Mentions of Death, Mention of Suicide, Heavy Angst, Reckless Driving, Allusions to Shady Activities, Coercion, Gambling, Betting, Mentions of Vomit and Sickness. Smut: Kissing, Heavy Petting, Unprotected Sex, Public Sex, Consensual Sex Under the Influence, Face Sitting.  


The first thing your glazed eyes focused on the next morning was that stupid pack of cinnamon gum Jake gave you sitting on Danny's side table. It was flattened from the force of Jake putting it into your hand, a little bit of the foil pulled back from the gum revealing just a sliver of red. You could smell it, too. The spicy sweet notes setting off your craving for it as your morning stomach grumbled.

You rolled your eyes and turned over to lie on your back, finding a still-snoozing Danny next to you. His hair had formed little baby curls around his face, and his natural sleep sweat had made them stick to his face a little. You took a second to watch him sleep, admiring his long eyelashes and perfect cheekbones. His body jerked a little as he dreamed, and you decided to let him sleep in a bit, seeing as how Jake would probably not even be in the shop for a while yet, either.

The sleep you did manage to get last night wasn't the best, given that all you could focus on were the hushed noises and light bangs coming from the wall that Danny's room shared with Jake's. Grunts, light moans...giggles... it almost made you sick. Each time you thought you had found the solace of sleep, there it was again, a noise that instantly put an image in your head of the foul acts being committed not twenty feet away. And it infuriated you.

'Because I see the way you look at me... I'm not stupid, Y/N.'

Jake's words to you during Danny's fight reverberated in your brain as you stood in front of the scratched and crooked mirror, brushing your teeth a little too roughly. So you were being too it.

'There. Now everybody gets a piece, don't they...'

You knew what he meant. You knew what he was insinuating. He wanted you just as bad as you wanted him. And you hated yourself for thinking that way. You'd just told Danny you were his girl. But were you? You shook all the messy thoughts from your mind as you attempted to fluff your flat hair, finally accepting that it wasn't going to get much better than this today.

It was chilly in the house, so you decided to slip on a pair of old sweatpants and gray sweatshirt to calm your chill bumps, taking a glance in Danny's tiny mirror on his door and finding yourself looking less-than-attractive.

As you entered the kitchen, the scene in front of you was the absolute last thing you thought you would find. Jake sitting at the table, kicked back with a mug of coffee in one hand and the paper in the other, watching as Suzanne stood at the stove in nothing but his white t-shirt. Her hair still looked as perfectly bleach blonde and blown-out as it did last night, her legs toned and tanned, toenails painted a bright pink, and the hem of the shirt barely covering her asscheeks. Fuck, she's...cute.

"Jacob, how do you like your eggs, baby? I'll make them however you— oh! Fuck, you scared me!" She said as she turned around to find you standing in the doorway. "Thought there was a ghost standing there..." your face turned up in disgust as her high-pitched laugh escaped from her nose.

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