Valor Part 5 - 2

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Pairing: Jake x Reader, Daniel x Reader

Word Count: 16.9k

Warnings: Cursin', Smokin', Drinkin'. Angst: Struggle and Poverty, Emotional Manipulation, Abandonment, Jealousy, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Weapons, Physical Fighting, Blood, Mentions of Death, Mention of Suicide, Heavy Angst, Reckless Driving, Allusions to Shady Activities, Coercion, Gambling, Betting, Mentions of Vomit and Sickness. Smut: Kissing, Heavy Petting, Oral M!Receiving, Fingering.


"Where's Danny?" her hoarse voice slurs, her watery eyes meeting yours. She wipes her mouth with the wet cloth as she swallows.

"He's passed out cold, probably how you left 'em." you answer, letting go of her hair and watching it fall to her back. You take in the state of her, crumpled on the bathroom floor in nothing but her panties and what she probably thinks is Danny's t-shirt. You'd been wondering where it went. Her body language is showing you that she still feels uncomfortable after your argument earlier, so once you decide she's okay you stand and make your way to the kitchen to make her a glass of water.

You fill the tall glass from the faucet, and walk back towards the bathroom, hearing the sink turn off as she brushes her teeth. You see her stumble out of the bathroom, the curve of her ass completely visible under the t-shirt hanging from her body. Her panties leave little to the imagination and your eyes zero in with every step she takes. Her hands steady her against the wall as she walks past Danny's room and stumbles into yours. You step in after her, flipping on the light.

"No, no, no...Wrong room. One back." you say, offering her the glass of water. She takes it, gulping it down in a few large sips before handing it back to you. She steps towards you and you can see the haziness in her eyes. She presses her finger over your lips, taking you by surprise.

" more talking." she says, pulling her finger from your lips and down your chest. What the fuck?

She collapses into your bed with a sigh, her bare legs hanging over the side. "No, no... you need to go back to Danny's room. You two can be wasted together..." you say, setting the glass of water on your dresser.

She rolls her face into your pillow, closing her eyes as she breathes in. "Smells like you..." she says, and you smirk realizing just how drunk she really is. Her filter is gone, probably lost somewhere between here and Canaries.

"You'know what you smell-like?" she slurs, opening her eyes to focus on you.

"Dirty..." you snicker, running your fingers over your mustache.

"Mmm, yeah but...also..." she pauses, closing her eyes and breathing in again. "Oil and whiskey... and your soap, and sweet a little bit, oh I bet it's the cinnamon gum. You smell like Jake. You smell like spicy earth..." she rambles, pulling a laugh from your chest.

"Spicy earth, that's... that's a new one." you answer. "Can't say I disagree, I guess. Guess I do smell like those things. Perks of being a mechanic. Spicy earth." you laugh again.

"Don't laugh at me. It's good, I like it. Wanna smell it closer. Wanna smell like spicy earth."

You slowly walk towards your bed, sitting on the edge near the end as she lays in your spot smelling your pillow. "Don't think that's a good idea, think you better go back to Danny's room."

"Mmm...No...Wanna stay in here with you..." she says, causing your dick to twitch just from the sweetness of her voice.

"You're mad at me, remember?" you say, hoping to remind her of your earlier argument.

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