Valor Part 12

47 0 0

Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader

Word Count: 18.7k

Warnings: Cursin', Smokin', Drinkin'. Angst: Struggle and Poverty, Abandonment, Mental Distress, Confusion, Secrecy, Mentions of Suicide, Tormenting Thoughts, Mentions of Violence, Reckless Driving, Mentions of Weapons and Guns, Stress, Anxiety, Mentions of Family Issues, Cheating, Domestic Disputes, Mentions of Mental Illness, Mentions of Divorce, Physical Fighting, Blood, Threatening, Abandonment, Pregnancy, Mentions of Death, Bodily Injury, Heavy Angst, Allusions to Shady Activities, Police and Crime Investigation, Conspiracy, Mentions of Murder, Coercion, Drugs and Addiction, Usage of Drugs During Pregnancy, Big Emotions, Mention of Severe Weather, Mentions of Tornados, Crying, Fluff. Smut: Kissing.


Your heart was racin' a mile a minute as you pressed the accelerator to the floor, your eyes flicking to the rearview mirror to see if those boys was on your tail yet or not. The dust was flying behind you as you sped down the road straight to the shop. You'd made this drive a thousand times before, never mindin' the five minutes, but now when the clock was tickin', it seemed longer than ever before. Your mind was jumbled with thoughts, movin' so fast you could hardly catch one.

How did they find them? Why are they here? How were you gonna explain this?

You'd gone their whole lives with not even one slip up. Not one single mention of a twin or younger brother. Not that it never crossed your mind. It did often. You always wondered about those boys. Where they were, what they were gettin' into wherever they were. There were a few times you thought about tellin' em, shoot you even had plans to a few years back. You thought about Stella, and how she left, but as you looked at those boys in the diner, you could tell they were dealt a far better hand than Jake ever was.


How were you gonna explain this mess? He was gonna fly off the handle if you'd ever seen it.

You couldn't lie to 'em. Not anymore. They deserved to know the truth, and you needed to be the one to tell 'em. You cursed Ace for forcing this on you. You promised him you'd never breathe a word of it. Not 'less you had to, and damn if this didn't seem like the time.

The wind was strong as it blew your truck across the median lines, or what was left of them. The sky was gray and cloud stricken and you could feel the rain in the air. With only a mile or so left until Ace's, you knew you needed to start gatherin' your words together. Some semblance of sense. That's what they needed, though this whole mess made none.

Before you could blink, fat raindrops started to splatter against your windshield. The rain knocked down the dust that was stirred up with the wind and made it a little bit easier to see, but not by much. "Dammit." you shouted, smacking your palm against the steering wheel.

What were you gonna say?

He's gonna hate you. He's never gonna speak to you again. You deserve that. You kept this from 'em, even when your gut told you not to. You did this, Bubba. Your cross to bare.

You gripped into the steering wheel harder, taking the first turn towards the shop as you shook away the thoughts.

No. No, it's Jake. He loves you. Daniel loves you. They'll understand right? You were just doin' as Ace asked you to, right? They won't leave you, right? Your boys.

You whip the wheel hard to the right, turning into the driveway of the shop, the wet gravel crunching beneath your tires as you skid to a stop in front of the garage doors.

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