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Adla stared down at the paper in front of her, her eyes glazed over. Her right knee bounced up and down as she sat in the chair at the desk. She looked at the words on the page over and over and over again, but they weren't being processed. She attempted to focus hard on the words. She really did. She prayed silently to the Maker to help her make those words make sense. But alas, nothing. The young brunette briefly wondered if smacking her head repeatedly on the desk would be more entertaining.

"You're losing focus again," a voice called to her, which made Adla jump and snap out of her daze. Quickly, she wiped the corner of her mouth, nervous she had drooled while she dozed. She was fine.

She finally looked up at the voice: Crosshair. He was in no shape to be back on duty. He still had a bandage wrapped around his head from where the engine burned him - not that she knew where it came from, of course.

Crosshair had already arrived back at Coruscant by the time she finished unloading her haul on Alderaan. She had quickly made her way back to Coruscant to check on Crosshair. He was asleep in the infirmary when she arrived. She had turned to a guard and demanded he tell her what had happened. When he wouldn't comply, she called Rampart herself to rip him a new one and demand to know what happened. As any concerned senator would. Rampart reluctantly told her about the injury Crosshair acquired on the mission, although he left out the details of where said mission was and who gave his injury to him. Well, she didn't really need that information. She knew. Crosshair, on the other hand, had no idea that she was there.

While she did lie about needing the information, the concern she felt for him was real. She had been worried the moment the engine fired up. Seeing him lifeless in the medical bed left her feeling panicked. The moment he awoke and was given the all-clear to stand up out of bed, he told her he was ready to get back to work.

Tech sent her a message, but it had been a standard day and a half later. Apparently, when Echo, Wrecker, and Tech arrived back to the Marauder, they found troopers littered the ground, and Hunter was among them. He had taken a shot by a blaster to his chest. Omega had been kidnapped and disappeared. Tech did not message Adla until Omega was safely back in the Marauder.

Adla, now, wanted to shake Crosshair and call him an idiot. He was foolish to not rest. She knew, though, that he was determined, so she only agreed if he promised to watch over her from the couch in the office, which was where he spoke from.

Crosshair was leaned back into the couch cushions, his left arm thrown off the backrest. His gaze told nothing but of his boredom. The same emotion she was feeling on the inside.

Adla threw her head back and let out a quick groan. "Ugh, how could I not?" She turned back to him. She would like to say her next words did not come out as a whine, but that would be a lie. "It's so boring! You try reading this and being enraptured by it."

Crosshair raised an eyebrow. "Aren't senators supposed to love reading papers all day?" he sneered.

Adla grumpily flopped her head to look at him. "Senators like to create useless proposals to argue over but never truly like to discuss the important topics. They only like to hear the sound of their own voice."

"You are lumping yourself into that category, Senator."

"You don't think I don't like to hear the sound of my own voice?"

"Oh, I know you do. You're always asking me questions to get to know me, or you're rambling off useless facts," Crosshair rolled his eyes.

"It's good to know some interesting fun facts!" Adla's eyes lit up as she spoke. "And I do want to get to know you, since you are working for me. I think it is important. You're important."

To Heal Poignancy ■ TECH - The Bad Batch ■Where stories live. Discover now