By Far The Worst Deal

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Becky's pov

I couldn't believe what I'm seeing now. No, it can't be Freen. No, it's her. It's been seven years and there was no information about freen after that day. I was surprised to see freen. She has changed a lot. She looks cold and she doesn't seem to notice me in a good way.

"Freen how are you? I never thought we would end up in such a situation. I never knew Mr Chankimha was your father. It's really good to see you again", I said. She was just glaring at me. I couldn't find any emotions in her eyes. She is so rigid. I stood silently in front of her just waiting for her to talk.

"Have you finished talking?", she asked in an annoying tone. I got raged by the way she answered back to my question but I'm in no condition to demand respect.

"Shall we sit and talk?", she asked and I said yes. We've been sitting in the gazebo for the past 20 minutes. Freen is just glaring at me without saying a word. I could see her eyes scanning me from top to bottom. I felt not so good sitting with her.

After 20 minutes she started. "I heard about Mr. Armstrong's demise sorry that I couldn't come to his funeral. About this marriage, I have some conditions to discuss with you. If you have no problem we will proceed with the marriage ceremony as soon as possible she said". I just nodded and I could feel my stomach rolling out of some uneasiness.

"Okay, this marriage is just for a formality and there will not be any physical encounter between us. I'm sure that you know my condition through my father. I have my way of relieving myself whenever needed and I should not have any interference from you. I live my life and you live yours. You cannot expect me to be a hubby material. You don't have to worry I never bring my women to the house we are going to live. You can happily enjoy whatever you are provided with. You can use my money whenever needed and you don't have to ask permission. One more important thing in the future if you feel that we are not compatible with this marriage you can very well walk out of this. I will never stop you. That's all I have to say. Do you have any further questions?", She asked.

It took some time for me to digest whatever I heard from freen. I have no other choice than to accept the deal. I gave my affirmation to her. I can't stand there anymore so excused myself from the gazebo. When I stood up to leave I heard her calling my name, "Rebecca you know something? people tend to fall sometimes but the pathetic part is their fate which pushes them to go back and hold the feet of other people for survival. Like you and your family". Freen said with a cruel grin.

My whole body started to fume in anger. How could she say such a thing to me? From my peripheral vision, I could see her approach me. Now we are standing very close there wasn't any gap between us. She bent near my ear and said, "Rebecca even if you were the last woman left out in this world I would never fuck you. You are that disgusting to me". Tears started to flow from my eyes. She looked at me and said, "Oh! My wifey don't cry now you have a lot to see after our marriage", and with that, she left the place.

I stood there and watched her walk into the restaurant to meet my mother. I could see their smiling faces from where I was standing. I realized that this marriage brought a smile to the parent's faces. I have to suffer so that my family will live to the fullest.

There was only one question running in my mind.

"What happened to Freen? She was the most innocent and happy-go-lucky person I knew.  Why is she behaving like this? Is it because I rejected her seven years ago?"

Becky couldn't see the right reason for Freen's behavior.

Freen Sarocha Chankimha

Freen was the only daughter of Mr Chankimha. She was born into a wealthy family. Her mother passed away when she was five years old. Her father never got married again. Robert her father's PA and Aunt Mei their maid were there with her since her mother's demise. Mr.Chankimha brought up Freen in a very simple way like him. She never flaunts her wealth outside of her home. Freen is very innocent and is betrayed by people very easily at school. Tee was her only friend in school she was like a guardian angel to Freen. Tee never spared anyone who tried to bully Freen.

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