Rebecca Jr.

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Hope you guys understand why Becky is that.. jealous 🤭

Alice Rebecca Thongdee

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Alice Rebecca Thongdee

My story will be too long. Is it okay if we sit here or should we go inside the house? asked Becca.

I'm perfectly fine Becca. We can sit here if you have no problem.

Okay sighed Becca.

Becca's pov

You were wondering why I have no resemblance to Robert? Mei told me.

Becky seems embarrassed.

You were correct. I'm not his daughter. Robert was never married. Freen made him adopt me as his daughter five years ago.

I met Freen first time in Boston five years ago.
Freen was so into girls then, that no girl would hesitate to sleep with Freen.

I don't know who my father was. I've never seen him. My mother was a drug addict, she passed away when I was ten. I was constantly abused by Roy, my mother's boyfriend. I didn't have any other option rather than staying with him. He was a member of a human trafficking group.

Freen met him at a bar in Boston with some of her then colleagues, asking you to arrange a girl for a night. Obviously, she doesn't know anything about him. Freen was ready to pay a huge amount. It must have tempted him. He couldn't find any of his escorts so he sent me instead of his girls. I have been sent twice before, then came back with bruises all over my body once and a first-degree vaginal tear once as I said my hands trembled and tears escaped from my eyes. Becky came near and held my hands into hers.

It's okay. If you don't want to say said Becky.

No Becky you should know what happened I said sternly.

I refused to go this time but Roy was stubborn. He said that it was a girl this time and not some goons. She is ready to pay a huge amount, that can be used for your education, he added.

I had no options left rather than agreeing. I was dropped at a motel, a fancy one. I was given a spare key for a room. When I entered the room an Asian girl was waiting for me. It's Freen. She seemed so friendly. She has already bought some food and drinks for me. She suggested that we'll eat first and do that. I mean the dirty business. I looked at Becky's face to see her reaction. There was discomfort, rage, and confusion.

When we started having food we were talking about general topics. Freen was studying me from the moment I entered the room.

Is this your first time? You seem more nervous she said

No, but this is the first time with a girl I said.

How old are you? She asked. I was already instructed by Roy to say my age was 18. I said the same to Freen.

Freen was not convinced.
I am asking you one more time, look at my eyes. Now tell me How old are you? She asked again. I don't know what got into me. I couldn't lie to Freen. 16 years I said. Freen scoffed in disbelief. I was afraid Freen would leave so I told her that I had experience with that as I had been already twice before.

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