Wake Up Kate

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You did what??? Becca roared in Freen's face.

Freen have you lost your senses? What the fuck Freen? How could she ask for a divorce? You saved her life and that bitch left you for a dickhead? Becca had been shouting for the past hour.

Robert thought someone should be there with freen at this time so he told everything to Becca and asked her to come.

Freen is not in a situation to respond to questions.

Where is Becky now? Becca asked

No answer from Freen.

Do you know where Becky is? She asked Nam. Nam mouthed that she knew.

That stupid bitch! I will not spare her! Becca groaned and dragged Nam to the car.

Nop's condo


When Nop opened the door he saw a girl standing at his doorstep fuming in wrath.

Is Becky here? She asked.

Who's that? asked Becky from behind.

Becca pushed Nop aside and barged into his house.

Becky didn't expect Rebecca to show up in Nop's place.

What do you want Rebecca? Becky asked

What do I want?
What have you done?
How could you do this to Freen?
You tricked her into signing the divorce papers.
How could you do this Becky?
You know how much she loves you
Why? Why Becky?

Becca was raging continuously.

So Freen is the victim now! You know that I always wanted to have a child, how could Freen give consent to a surgery that made me infertile now? Becky said. She couldn't control her tears.

What the fuck Becky? She was trying to save you dumb head. You are the most precious thing to her. How will she lose you? Becca shouted back.

I don't want to hear anything about her. I hope there is no us anymore. You don't have to come here supporting Freen, she might find sluts again and will live her life to the fullest with each girl in her guest house as you..... before Becky finished Rebecca landed a punch on Becky's face.

Nop immediately pulled Becky to his side and Nam pulled Becca to her side.

If you speak another word about Freen I'll make sure you never speak again with that filthy mouth of yours. How could you say such a thing about her? She caught you kissing this asshole, did she ask you anything about that incident? Answer me, Becky. Did she?
You are the reason she had convulsions. You know that. You pushed her off limits. Did she ever ask you anything about that? When you needed space, she gave you the space. When you decided to move with Nop she respected your decision. She did nothing wrong except loving you, believing you, and trusting you. It was you, Becky, it was you who gave her hope, you promised her that you'd never leave her and now here you are with this guy and what guest house are talking about? Freen demolished the guest house before she left Europe. You are the bitch here, Becky.

Rebecca was panting after finished saying everything she had to.

I hope you enjoy your birthday gift Ms. Armstrong said Becca with a bitter smile and left the house. Nam was disappointed with Becky she left without saying a word.

Becky was shattered after hearing everything from Becca. She was right. Freen never asked her questions, she trusted her with a full heart. The life she lived with Freen ran in front of her eyes. Did I overstep? Becky thought, but she was in denial.

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