I Cant

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The morning

Becky get ready. We have to go somewhere.

Freen... Is there any problem?

I thought there was nothing to hide between us. After all, I was mistaken Freen said flatly.

Freen what are you talking about? Becky raised a question.

Just come with me you'll know said Freen

Freen and Becky went to the hospital. Why are we here? Becky questioned. Freen turned to Becky's side and asked Don't you know why we are here?

Freen directly went to Dr. Kate's room. Becky was scared now. She doubted Freen must have known something about their meeting or she wouldn't specifically ask whether I went anywhere outside yesterday.

Freen.. you knew?


She entered Kate's room without a word. Kate was actually shocked to see Freen with Becky. Freen tried to be in her composure but her eyes were raging.

Hi Freen, Hi Becky, Kate greeted both of them.

Becky held Freen's arm tightly and led with her eyes not to build a mess there.

How may I help you Freen?  Kate asked politely.

Freen took the book Kate had given earlier to Becky and tossed it to her table on a verge of wrath.

Kate was taken aback by Freen's behavior.

Care to explain Dr. Kate? Freen scowled with bubbling outrage.

She was trying to help us Freen. Dr. Kate suggested that we should plan for a baby so that we will be complete as a family and it would help to close the distance between us said Becky

Good job Dr. Kate, Freen clapped her hands sarcastically and laughed. Kate you know everything about me and yet you decided to propose this idea to my wife Freen shouted.

I thought you had changed Kate replied in a low voice.

Freen please listen we have more important things to discuss now Kate said with worry.

I don't want to hear anything Freen shouted on a high note.

It's regarding Becky's health. Don't you want to know why Becky came and met me yesterday?

Bec..beckys health? Freen was shuddering

Becky what is she talking about? asked Freen

Becky didn't utter a word. She just sat on one of the sofas in Kate's room.

Kate what's happening here Freen asked with worry.

First, take a seat Freen. I'll tell you everything.
Becky has some issues with her ovaries which will not allow her body to produce eggs and she has some abnormal tissue growth and inflammation around her ovaries. Becky came to know about her ailment four years back but due to her financial crisis, she hasn't said this to anyone. What worries me more is, that she hasn't taken any treatment till now. She was managing with symptomatic medicine. Improper treatment has now made her condition bad. Every minute will cost her health Freen. We need to start the treatment immediately.

Freen felt like thunderstruck. She turned to see Becky who was sitting with tears streaming from her eyes. Freen rushed to Becky and sat on the floor in front of her. She hugged beckys waist and buried her face in Becky's lap and cried hard.

Why Becky? Why you haven't told me anything? Becky, I have only you. It's hurting. Please Becky open your mouth. Tell me something, Freen cried helplessly.

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