It Was Her!

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Nam and Becky reached the hospital Robert was already there expecting them. Becky ran to his side asking about Freen.

We managed to bring her to the hospital on time. Dr. Kate was treating her now. She is still unconscious he said.

As he was explaining the door was banged open some guards entered the area Mr.Chankimha followed them. He directly reached Becky's side and embraced her gently.

I knew everything that happened through Mei. Don't worry Becky I didn't come here to blame you in this matter. Freen will be alright said Mr. Chankimha.

He asked Robert about the CCTV footage. Yes, boss we have got the footage but there was no proper audio of it answered Robert. He handed over the iPad to his boss. Mr. Chankimha played the video, and Becky and Nam who stood nearby could also see the video.

The time stamp denoted that Freen entered her mother's grave at night. Freen directly went and sat near her mother's grave, she was crying continuously. It was raining non-stop. She was talking with her mother who was in the grave. She then stood up and lay on the grave as if she was hugging her mother. Her body was shaking continuously which indicated that she was crying. She was punching her hands on the side walls of the grave which answered the blood marks.

After some time she turned to a side still Freen was talking something. She became stiff, she was lying there like a lifeless person. Suddenly her body started to jerk aggressively. She was convulsing in the crypt and fell unconscious to the ground. The rain was pouring nonstop.

Mr. Chankimha's hands trembled as the iPad slid off his hands. He couldn't bear the sight of his daughter's suffering. He turned to his side when everyone gasped seeing Becky falling to the ground. She was rushed into the emergency room for treatment. Mr Chankimha and Robert went with Becky and asked Nam to stay with Freen.

After examining Becky, the doctor told them that she was exhausted because she hadn't had any food and lack of sleep since yesterday. She will be fine. Let her be in observation for six hours with that he took leave.

Robert, I'm feeling guilty for pulling Becky into this. I shouldn't have done this. I couldn't see them suffering like this. This is the second time Becky is fainting due to exhaustion after the marriage. I failed as a father said Mr. Chankimha.

Robert has been with his boss ever since and has never seen him this broken. He slowly said, boss, I have to tell you something.

Mr. Chankimha shook his head and asked him to continue.

Boss, do you remember that you asked me to do a background check on Becky before their marriage?

Hmm.. he nodded

I received a report from England but it was after their marriage.

What's so specific about the report?

You've been wondering ever since what changed Freen into the person today she is right? It was her. It's Becky. She was the girl Freen fell in love with in England.

Mr. Chankimha was in disbelief.

Robert continued

There were some photographs attached to the report which were taken during the internship program. I have cross-checked everything. There is an interesting thing also. The gazebo Freen asked to construct in the garden was the same gazebo that was in the place where they had done the program.

Mr. Chankimha was froze

Boss, please don't feel guilty. There is no wonder Freen agreed to this marriage that quickly and this girl Becky, boss you don't have any idea how many phone calls I've received from her since Freen left the home. These girls love each other madly. The problem is they miserably failed to communicate this with each other. They'll grow out of this.

Mr. Chankimha hugged Robert patting his shoulders. Robert, you are the best he said.

Mr. Chankimha wiped his tears and smiled. He peeped through the glass door pointed out Becky to Robert and said

She is the cause
She'll be the solution.


Robert got a call from Nam.

Boss Freen is awake said Robert.

They rushed to see her immediately.

They entered the room along with Nam. Freen's eyes scanned them and the disappointment was so evident in her eyes that she couldn't see Becky there.

Freen's dad reached to her side and rubbed her forehead as tears began falling out of her eyes. He held Freen's arm and looked at the injuries. It was cleaned and treated.

You should learn to control your anger my little girl he said.

Freen smiled slightly. Then her dad and Robert left the room giving her some space. Once they left the room Freen called Nam near her and asked about Becky.

She is in the emergency room for observation she said.

What!!! What happened to her!!! I need to see her now. Freen tried to get down from the bed.

No boss, you are not supposed to walk now. She held Freen in place and recited everything that happened after her disappearance. Freen felt guilty for not telling the truth to Becky. This situation would have been easily avoided.

Kate came to see Freen. She was happy that Freen was awake. She asked Freen to take at least a day of bed rest. She assured that Becky was also stable now as she could see Freen was worried.

Freen asked Kate whether Becky could be shifted to her room so that she could take care of Becky. Kate said that she would make the arrangements immediately.

After an hour Becky was shifted to Freen's room. Becky is still sleeping. Her face was puffy and swollen which showed that she had cried all night and day. Her lips were dry and chapped. Her chest was rising at stable intervals.

Their beds were placed so close to each other. Freen slowly turned to one side and extended her hands to reach Becky's hand through the side rails of the bed. She gently took Becky's hand into hers, held it firmly, and drifted off.

Mr. Chankimha and Robert came back to check on them. They witnessed the beautiful scene.

Oh, my good lord! exclaimed Mr. Chankimha quietly.

I told you so, Robert whispered.

They left the room with no trace, without disturbing the lovey-dovey couple.


Hey fam,

Hope you like this part. Big chapter ahead. Get ready folks.

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