The Photo Album

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Freen carried Becky to their room. After a certain time Becky lost count on the rounds. Freen doesn't seem to stop. Nearly around 4am Freen came for the last time inside Becky and fell on her collapsed. She drifted off in a while.

Becky took her phone from the bed side table and texted Kate.

Mission Freen accomplished 👍

Both of them slept on the floor of their room as they were having the last round on the floor. They were very tired of waking up in the morning.

The servant approached Mei and said, it seems someone has broken into our house the mini bar in the basement is a mess.

Mei rushed to see the scene on seeing it in the first glance she could say what would have happened because she saw Becky going to the basement in a very intimate outwear.

She instructed the servants to clean it and decided not to wake the girls. Becky woke up in the afternoon but Freen was not her side. She must have gone to the office thought Becky. When she tried to get down the bed she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen and though must be due to the excessive rounds last night. She was blushing hard thinking of it.

She slowly walked to the bathroom, her body is aching so bad. When see witnesses her body on the full size mirror she was awestruck seeing hickeys allover her body. She should use a bucket of products to hide those. She cursed Freen mentally and asked Mei to bring lunch to their room and had her lunch.

Every other night the room was filled with moaning and fucking sounds. They have did it probably in every place at the house. The kitchen, dining, the gazebo, the pool, even the stairs they literally left no place.

They took a vacation to Spain for 6 days but they haven't visited anywhere much because there were busy exploring different positions and techniques. Becky is glowing now a days due to excessive sex. Her curves are more refined because the way Freen handles them everyday.

Even though they had their mansion Becky wanted to explore the pleasure of having sex in public place without people knowing. Freen was happy about her wife wanting more sex from her. They started doing the dirty job in toilets, trail room, their car, parking space, the elevator, theatre etc.

Becky started to bring lunch to Freen as these days she was busy preparing for their company's international project. Every lunch will end up in hot makeou session. Becky has now turned into a BJ expert. Even the table in Freens office is redesigned in way it was comfortable to Becky while giving a BJ.

Freen has got addicted to her wife. Kate has already started the treatment and Becky's condition is improving. Although Freen didn't say yes to have a baby but still she didn't oppose the efforts Becky took.

After two months


She thought it must be Freen or Kate. To her surprise it was Becca. A instant smile appreared on her face.

(A/n : I've mentioned Becky as B and Rebecca as R)

B : hey! Rebecca

R: i heard someone getting paid every night.

B: how did you know? Did Freen told?

R: nope, it's Kate

B: what in the world? So you and Kate are a     team! I'm wasted

R: chill girl. I'm so glad Becky. Im happy for both of you. Kate told me about your health condition and the argument. Be bold. Everything is gonna be fine. What did Freen said afterwards.. you know after that thing

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