The Grip 🔞

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Trigger warning ⚠️

This part contains events of sexual violence. Please refrain from reading if you are below 18 years.

Authors pov;)

Becky had so many thoughts running inside her and she never knew when she slept. Suddenly she felt something crawling on her. She woke up to find that it was Freen's arm around her waist. Freen hugged her from behind and started to smell her neck the scent of Becky triggered her even more. She forcefully turned Becky to her side. Freen was forcing herself on Becky. She started to kiss Becky all over her face. When she reached the lip she started sucking in as if her last meal. Becky was struggling to push freen aside but failed pathetically.

Freen moved onto Becky's neck and started nibbling slowly Becky gave off. She cannot keep aside the feeling that she got in Freen's touch. She has never experienced that Freen. She knew Freen was intoxicated at the moment and how hard she tried to push Freen she could not. Freen gave soft bites in her earlobes and that passed vibrations to Becky's spine. She felt a throbbing between her legs and could feel her panties getting wet.

Freen lost her patience and tore Becky's shirt with one attempt. The buttons of the shirt are scattered around the place. Becky could feel Freen's member getting hard as she started to rub it against Becky's core. She was surprised to know the size of that thing.

"Freen sto...oop we've already discussed this. Mmm... Oh.... Go..d... You are going to regret this"

Freen unclasped Becky's bra threw it away and started to massage her breasts. It started slow and soon turned into a rough massage. Becky felt massive pain with pleasure as she started moaning.

"Huh... Fr...eeennn..."

Their breaths turned labored. Becky's moans are pouring fuel into the fire.

"Mmm.. Free...een please go slow its hurting" said Becky but Freen continued to do it that way.

She pinched Becky's nipple between her fingers. Becky arched her towards Freen and held her shoulders tightly. Freen started to lick the pinkish nipples one after another and continued by sucking them roughly.

Becky's lower lip was already swollen from their hot kiss now she had to contain her moan by biting those lips hard. "Come on, baby say my name, I want to hear you scream my name", whispered Freen. Her whispering voice is a huge turn-on for Becky she slowly starts moaning. Freen bites her nipples in a very harsh way. That gave Becky a sharp pain so she tried to push Freen slightly. Freen got irritated by Becky's action so she gripped her wrist tightly which almost blocked the blood flow. She started to continue her play on Becky's breasts over and over again.

After some time Becky could only feel pain, pain, and pain both her nipple got sore from constant sucking, and her wrist is still held by Freen. She could see her wrist turning blue and felt pricking pain in all five fingers.

'Freen why don't you stop? it's hurting just leave me", shouted Becky. Freen was mumbling something that Becky couldn't hear so she asked her to stop again. Freen stopped what she was doing and said, "What baby? this is how we do it every time, what's the problem now? Come Nita you know I like to do it this way and that's what I pay you for", she finished. Becky was in disbelief.

"What the fuck Freen? Do you think I'm one of your sluts?". Freen couldn't see properly she tried rubbing her eyes which didn't her her much. Her vision is still blurry. Freen just stared at Becky and said "Nita that's the limit just lay still I'll relive myself now. I'll try to finish up quickly", she slurred. That's when Becky lost her temper, she yanked her wrist from Freen and gave a hard slap on her right cheek. With that slap, Freen fell on the other side of the bed. Becky started to cry her heart out. She thought Freen was doing that with the love she had for Becky but she was entirely mistaken.

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