Bleeding Heart

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A shattered soul
A thunderous night
Echoes linger
Whispers ache
Credences lost

It's a bitter wake 💔


Becky couldn't reach Freen the whole night. Soon after Freen left the house it started to rain. The downpour was heavy and it was extremely cold outside.

Becky immediately called Robert and briefed the fight between her a Freen.

"We own many properties nearby, she should have gone to one. Don't worry Becky, Freen will be safe. She'll be back home in the morning", he assured.

For the whole night, Becky knew something was wrong. Her intuition was not incorrect. She couldn't sleep a bit. Every memory has been running in front of her eyes. Everything has happened since she met Freen in England to this day. The guilt she saw in Freen's eyes after behaving in a very wrong way to her, the ray of love, care, and affection. Becky had never seen lust and desire in Freen's eyes.

The truth is squeezing her alive. She never knew how long she cried. There were no tears left. It's 6 am still the rain has not stopped. She called Robert to ask for any information about Freen. He asked her to calm down as it was still early in the morning and it was raining heavily so it might take a bit longer to travel anywhere now. He reassured Becky that he would send his men to see Freen's whereabouts.

She has been trying to reach Freen through the phone continuously now her phone is switched off. It's noon still no information about her. Every minute passed by gave her immense pain.

Randomly she got a thought, she knew that Freen had a small room attached to her room in the company. What if Freen went there? She thought about it herself and decided to go in person. When she reached the office she was assisted to Nam's cabin.

Seeing Becky in that condition, Nam knew something had gone terribly wrong.

"Where is Freen? Is she here?" asked Becky. Her voice was too sore from continuous crying.

"No, she was not here. She didn't come to work today. I've been trying to reach her since morning. What happened?", asked Nam.

"We fought yesterday night. She left the mansion and never came back", said Becky.

Nam told Becky everything that happened the day before yesterday from the meeting, Nop's issue, and Freen's visit to the guest house.

"I don't know what to say. I thought you guys would settle this out wisely", said Nam.

Becky started crying again. Nam consoled her.

"Wait a minute Becky. Yesterday Freen called me early in the morning and asked me to contact Heng and arrange a meeting at her guest house. I think we should speak with Heng", said Nam.

Becky is even more confused now. She knew who Heng was through Mei. What does Heng have to do with this? Anyway, she agreed to that.

Nam called Heng, and Becky asked to put in the speaker. Nam did as she said.

Heng: Hello Nam.

Nam: Heng I need help. What happened yesterday? What did Freen say to you?

Heng: My god Nam. Don't you have some professional ethics? How could you expect me to say something confidential between me and Freen?

Nam: You motherfu**er! You don't understand the problem at all. Now spit all of it out or else I'll file a complaint on you and your slut business.

The scene is escalated in a wrong way. Becky thought and she had to interrupt now.

Becky: Sorry for what happened now, Mr.Heng. I'm Rebecca Freen's wife. I couldn't reach her since yesterday night. We had some misunderstanding and she left the house. Please help us.

Becky pleaded Heng

Heng: Greetings Ms. Rebecca. I am not very sure whether I can do this or not. I was asked to meet her in the guest house. She gave me a cheque worth one million dollars and thanked me for my service for the past years. She also said that she would not be calling me anymore. She said that she had found the hope of her life. I thought that was for good.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks. Her heart is bleeding now.

What have I done?
I broke her
I broke her love
I broke her trust
I don't deserve you Freen

Becky was crying helplessly. Nam couldn't see her state. She thanked Heng and ended the call. Nam didn't know how to console Becky. It's almost evening but still, they haven't got any information.


It was Nam's.

Hello Robert. What..!!! Oh my god!! Which hospital? I'll be there within 10 minutes. Yes, I'll bring Ms. Becky with me.

What happened?? Becky asked Nam.

There is no time to talk. We have to leave immediately. Come with me said Nam and dragged Becky out of the building.

Becky was asking questions to Nam, she didn't know how Becky was going to digest the news.

Please P'Nam, tell me what happened Becky was screaming continuously.

They have found Freen. She is in the hospital now said Nam flatly.

Tell me what happened to her. Why is in the hospital? begged Becky.

Robert and his men found her unconscious on her mother's grave this afternoon. When they went there she was entirely drenched. She must have been there since yesterday night out in the rain and there were more blood marks on the graveyard said Nam emotionally. Don't worry Becky, Robert is now retrieving the CCTV footage added Nam.

Instead of hearing this thing, Becky would rather choose to die.

Becky's scream got higher and higher as they reached the hospital.


Hey Fam,

That was damn emotional. Sorry for the short chapter the next chapter will also be short. It will uploaded hopefully within 6 hours.

Thank you very much for your support. The story has crossed more than 700 reads in just five days.
You guys are the best.

With love💜

Your author

Mira CS

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