What Are You Hiding?

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Freen knew that the girls could notice her standing beside the wall so she fled to her room unnoticed. After reaching their room she directly went to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. She doesn't exactly know what she is feeling at the moment.

So Becky has been looking for me. She felt bad for treating me that way. Freen was her thought.

Now she has come to a decision she is going to do anything Becky wants. Becky is her ray of hope. Becky is her love of life. She then took a hot bath to relax.

Rebecca and Becky cooked dinner along with Mei. Is that Freen's car? asked Becky. Yes, she came back but I don't know when said Mei. She must have been tired she added.

Rebecca called Freen through the intercom to join them for dinner. Freen came down and had dinner. She looked a bit pale. Becky asked if she was okay. Yup, I'm okay It's just a headache. I've taken leave for long days so the work has piled up said Freen.

They finished the dinner and went to their respective rooms. Becky was searching for something in her drawer. Freen went near Becky and hugged her from behind.

Bec what are you doing?

I'm searching for the pain balm.

What happened? Are you hurt? Shall we go to the hospital??

Freeeen... Stop. I am searching it for you.

For me! Why?

Because you are the one with a headache.

Oh! Sorry, I forgot. She grinned

Becky finally found the balm. She dragged Freen to the bed. Becky sat on the bed folding her legs and patted Freen to lay her head on the gap between her lap. Freen did as Becky said.

Becky slowly started to apply the pain balm on Freen's forehead and massaged it softly. Becky's fingers were so soft, that Freen could never say no to Becky.

Freen closed her eyes as tears escaped. Becky was startled to see Freen crying. What happened Freen? Is the balm too strong asked Becky?

No, it's not the balm. I never remember the last time I was in someone's lap. Freen said with tears.

Becky cupped her face and wiped the tears. Freen look at me, open your eyes. I'm here now and I'll be with you forever said Becky as she slowly bent down to kiss Freen.

A kiss with care and passion. Becky sucked Freen's lower lip and Freen took Becky's upper lip into hers repeating their turns with lips. Both moaned into each other's mouths. Becky trailed her hands from Freen's forehead to her breast. Cupped her mound and massaged without disturbing the kiss, but it stimulated the vigor of the kiss.

Beneath the moon's gentle silver shine,
Two hearts entwined in a dance unseen.
Lips meet with a whispered sigh,
A tender kiss, where passions dwell.
A symphony of emotions in that touch,
A language uttered, without a hush
In the realm where heartbeats rhyme,
Lip to lip is a timeless paradigm.

After the kiss, Freen was blushing.

What now you are laughing exclaimed, Becky.

Baby we just recreated the Spiderman kiss. Freen chuckled hard. Now blushing becomes Becky's turn. She continued her massage until Freen slept on her lap. She slowly put Freen to the bed without disturbing her sleep. The night ended in a good way one way or another to everyone.

In the morning Becca has to return to her college. Freen offered her a ride to the airport. Freen and Becky will miss Becca more than anyone in the house. Freen has already asked Robert to come to the airport directly. When they left its time for Becky to meet Kate.

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