The Funeral

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The funeral house is so quiet except for the small sobbing sound of the family members. The family is completely shattered after Mr. Armstrong's death. He is a hard-working person who prioritizes his family in every work. The Armstrongs were wealthy sufficiently before five years when tragically their business faced a downfall. They lost everything and left with nothing.

Mr. Armstrong shifted from England to Thailand after the loss. He has a daughter Rebecca and a son Richie. Mr. Armstrong has a vast knowledge of his field so soon after returning to Thailand he found a job in the FSC empire.

Mr. Chankimha the then CEO of the company was on good terms with                 Mr. Armstrong and offered him a marketing advisor post in his company. Soon after the company was taken over by Mr. Chankimha's only daughter. Things got hardship after that for Mr. Armstrong as he had complications working under the new CEO but he worked up to the mark.

The employees of the company received cold treatment from their new boss. Mr. Armstrong was feeling well lately but he had to work hard to provide for his family.
Everybody in the company including Mr. Chankimha was shocked to know his demise.

At the funeral house

The luxury BMW car entered the house. It's Mr. Chankimha said someone from the crowd. He came along with his PA to give his last respect to Mr. Armstrong. He consoled the family members.

He asked Mrs. Armstrong whether she needed any help for now. Mrs. Armstrong reluctantly asked whether he could provide a job for her daughter as it would be beneficial for them in this condition.

Mr. Chankimha knew that Mr. Armstrong had a daughter who was an MIT graduate working in a small firm to support the family along with her father.

When he saw a girl in the crowd who was radiant and stunning, from looking he could say she was Rebecca Armstrong. Yes, she was but after seeing Becky he had other ideas instead of offering her just a job. He assured Mrs Armstrong that he would take care of the family in the best possible way.

One week later

Mr. Chankimha was in deep thought since his visit to Mr. Armstrong's funeral which didn't go unnoticed by his PA Robert. He asked his boss, "you've been thinking about something I could see, is it related to what Mrs. Armstrong requested?",asked Robert slowly.

"No Robert, that's not what I'm thinking. I'm very worried about my daughter. She takes good care of the company only because of her we're are we in the top position now. I'm not complaining about that but I'm not happy with her going to the club and taking some sluts to her guest house to sleep with them. I don't approve of the one-night stand thing she does now and that bastard Heng who helps her find sluts. I'll kill him with my own hands when I see him". Robert could see how his boss was worried about his daughter.

Robert couldn't believe his ears what Mr Chankimha said after that. "Robert, I'm thinking of asking for Rebecca's hand in the marriage with my daughter", said Mr. Chankimha. Rob was in shock hearing this. "Boss this doesn't seem to be a good idea because we know your daughter's condition but how will we explain this to Rebecca?", asked Robert.

"I have a plan and I need your help in executing this perfectly", Robert nodded to his boss.

Robert got his order from his boss to arrange a job for Richie in their Rayong branch which is far away from the place where they live but Robert believed that his Boss was right all the time. He accomplished the first task.

At the Armstrong's mini apartment

4 pm

The post cover was addressed in the name of Richie said Becky. After reading the content letter they couldn't contain their joy. Richie and Becky were screaming in joy. Their mom was confused seeing her children shouting and asked what happened.

Becky said "Mom Richie has been offered a job in the FSC empire that too in Rayong". Her mom was happy but soon after realizing she went silent because she knew that she asked for the job for Becky, not Richie. She felt something was wrong. She believed Mr. Chankimha for his good nature.

In the evening she received a phone call from Mr. Chankimha. She thanked him for the help he extended. He said that he had something important to discuss with her in person. She could now sense something was cooking up. Mr. Chankimha asked her to meet in one of their hotels along with Becky for dinner.

7 pm

Becky and her mom are already in the restaurant waiting for Mr. Chankimha. A little later he arrived there and greeted them. After seeing Becky that close he surely knows she is the god-made bond for his family. Becky was so polite and gentle.

Becky's mom slowly started, "Thank you sir for considering my request".

Mr. Chankimha smiled calmly, "I have something to ask I know I'm being irrational here but I will never force you and respect your decision for what I'm going to ask for". Becky and her mom are confused and have no idea what it would be.

He sat sternly and started, "I would like to make Becky my daughter-in-law. I want her to get married to my daughter. I did a background check on Becky I know she is into girls".

Becky and her Mom couldn't believe what they were hearing. Becky's mom knew it was good for her daughter's future but it should happen with Becky's sole interest. Becky's mom said "Mr. Chankimha I understand your intention, that will benefit both the family if Becky is okay with this marriage then I have nothing to say against it".

Mr. Chankimha was looking at Becky's face eagerly what was she going to tell? Becky felt an uneasy feeling after what happened now. "What about your daughter? Does she know about this proposal?", asked Becky.

Mr. Chankimha answered "yes she knew and she had already said okay to this".

She didn't even know what I looked like. She knows nothing about me how did she manage to say yes wondered Becky and asked the same to Mr. Chankimha. "I already said that I've done a background check on you so we know the required details about you, I sent the file to my daughter not even a minute she said okay after seeing your photo", he said grinning.

Becky is now interested in that person. She needs to think now. She politely excused herself from there and directly went to the garden. She went to the small gazebo and sat there covering her face with her hands. There were so many things rolling in her mind right now. She looked when we felt someone staring at her. It was Mr. Chankimha. He was standing in front of her with a very clear face.

"Becky, I know this is a lot to take. I will never force you. I can understand what you are thinking and I have one more thing to tell you after hearing this take your decision" said Mr Chankimha. He started explaining his daughter's condition and birth secret now Becky felt like everything around her was spinning and she felt like slipping into a deep hole. She has a much respect for Mr. Chankimha that she can't say no to him.

Mr. Chankimha added, "Becky I've already informed my daughter about the dinner she will be here any minute. I'll give you two enough space to talk. You can let me know your decision after meeting my daughter".
His phone started ringing, he smiled when he saw the caller ID. He attended the call and said that he was in the gazebo with Rebecca. after the call, he greeted Becky and went inside the hotel giving her the space.

Now Becky could see the figure approaching her. She could see that the person in 5'8 and the sound from her branded heels could be heard clearly, the way she walked towards her seemed so professional. For some reason, her heart started beating at a regular pace.

Now she could see the person very clearly as they were standing in a very close proximity. The girl removed her coolers now Becky's eyes felt like popping out of the socket. She cannot believe what she sees in front of her now.


"Is this you???!!!!"



I hope you like the story. I trying my level best to give you this story. I assure you that this is not the regular CEO story or the marriage contract story.

Kindly let me know your feedback in the comment section.

Thank you



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