Look At Me 🔞

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One month later


After that night Becky took the upper hand in their relationship. She almost accompanied Freen all the time in their mansion. She never allowed Freen to be isolated. Freen could feel the changes in Becky's behavior towards her. They have started to spend more time together. Freen never called Heng nor went to the guest house. They went grocery shopping together once a week. They spent almost every evening in the gazebo. They even visited Becky's mom twice. They have progressed to hold hands in public. But Becky still feels an unavoidable space between them which Freen doesn't want to cross.

Becky knew that Freen used to work out regularly when she enquired about that to Freen she said that she didn't work out due to her hectic workload. Becky asked whether she could accompany her so that they could work out together. Freen will do anything Becky asks without any second thought. She agreed to the plan.

The next day Freen woke up early and tried waking up Becky. She was sleeping like a log. Freen smiled at herself and left the room. Becky woke up after an hour and saw Freen was not there in the room. She called the kitchen through the intercom and asked Mei about Freen. Mei said Freen was already in the gym. Becky completed her morning routine and headed to the gym.

Becky knew that the mansion had a gym in the basement but she had never visited it inside. She opened the door and went inside it was such a vast space with all kinds of equipment. She searched for Freen and found her doing pull-ups in the bar. She was wearing a sports bra and gym shorts ( which were way too short). Becky could see Freen's shoulder muscles, her toned calf, and her triceps and bulged veins on her arm Becky gulped and called Freen. Freen was wearing her AirPods so she couldn't hear Becky so she continued her workout.

Becky noticed that Freen was wearing AirPods so she walked past Freen and stood in front of her. Becky's jaw dropped seeing Freen in that position, that was the sexiest thing she had ever seen in her life. Upon seeing Becky, Freen immediately stopped the workout and started to tell her the reason for not waking her up in the morning but Becky didn't seem to pay attention at all. Becky was literally eye fucking Freen now. Becky was mesmerized by the sight, of Freen with her toned abs, drenched in sweat breathing heavily, and the droplet of sweat on her forehead and abs particularly a drop running from her neck to the chest valley. Becky felt palpitations and tried her best not to pass out in front of her.

Freen could clearly see why Becky stood still before Becky's eye voyaged to her bulge down there, she slowly snapped her finger in front of Becky's face. Becky came to her senses and mentally face-palmed her for proposing this idea. She knew how tough it would be to see Freen like this every morning. Becky was trying hard to hide her blushing but she was tomato-red now. Freen doesn't want to confront her and shows her around the gym and explains to her about the equipment. Becky was not listening to Freen, she was just wandering her eyes all over Freen's body shamelessly. When they came back to the pull-up bar Becky said that she wanted to try it.

Freen told her that she could not do it alone as she was new to the workout. Becky asked whether Freen could help her and Freen agreed. She slowly lifted Becky and asked her to hold the bar tightly and instructed her to lift her body slowly, but Becky struggled a lot so Freen held her both legs and helped her to lift her body. Becky could feel Freen's breast against her thighs, it was turning her on, her core was pulsing and her hands started trembling she left the bar all of a sudden but fortunately Freen held her in position while slowly putting Becky down.

Becky was now in Freen's embrace. The raw musky wood perfume do Freen mixed with the sweaty smell filled Becky's nostrils. She couldn't get enough of it. They were staring at each other as if the world might be destroyed in the very second. Freen doesn't let go of Becky whereas Becky doesn't want to leave Freen's embrace. Becky slowly initiated the hug she exactly knew what she was doing. The embrace turned into a passionate hug. Both tightened their arms around each other. There was no gap in between. Becky started to sniff Freen's smell she should admit that it was intoxicating. Freen couldn't stand it, she extended her neck to give Becky better access.

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