Chapter 15- On the bus ( aimee's pov)

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It was going to be a long night, everyone was in bed except Harry. All of the boys are heavy sleepers so me and Harry were able to talk. " heyy" I walked over to his seat and sat on the arm rest. " heyy, how are you Aimee?" He looked up at me and grabbed my hand and held it " I'm doing fine, tired but  I couldn't sleep" Harry pulled me onto his lap so I could hear his heart beat, I was feeling tireder already. " hazza, how come you cheated on me, you never gave me a reason to why you did." He took his hand and lifted my chin up so I could look into his gorgeous green eyes. " I didn't know if you cheated on me, and me ex made me act like an ass to my boys and it wasn't fair so we broke up. When I went on tour she kept showing up, one time she was in my dressing room, and locked the door once I was in there. She pushed me onto the chair and tried to seduce me but I kept rejecting her. I told her I was seeing someone but she didn't care. I told her we could still be friends and hangout just no sex or kissing or any touching, she agreed. One night we went to a bar and got drunk, we went back to my hotel room so I could change and meet the boys, I brought her up so she could sleep it off. I was in the shower and she came in and pulled me out onto the bed and got on top of me, I don't remember a lot but we ended up having sex and she said if we didn't continue she'd tell you that I cheated on you when it was drunk sex to begin with and it meant nothing to me and I had no idea what I was doing" I started crying, I knew something was wrong about him cheating... It didn't make sense why he would cheat, since we had the best sex all the time. " Harry?" I cried even harder, to make me stop he kissed me, with so much passion too. He pulled me closer to him and I curled up and drifted off to sleep.

*next morning*

I woke up in Harry's bed with him next to me. I rolled over and put my arm over him then my leg, I went to get off the bed and he grabbed my butt to hold me in place " Good morning, I miss you on top of me like this" He says and winks, I get up, kissed his forehead and went to go to the bathroom. When I got out I bumped into Niall. The bathroom was at the back of the bus and it had a folding door so you could get dressed in that area, Niall closed it and pinned me against the wall. " good morning baby, how was your sleep?" I leaned up and kissed him, " it was pretty good, still tired though, wanna take a nap with me back here?" He nods and we make a little bed, Niall gets in first then I hop on top of him and I fall asleep almost instantly.

*few hours later*

" Aimee we have to get up, food time" Hell yes, I'm fucking hungry. I poked Nialls tummy and he picks me up and carries me out off the bus, we get swarmed by the paparazzi , Flashing pictures of me and Niall, the other boys come out and put me in the middle of all of them and walk into Nandos. "I'm sorry boys, I'm kinda new to all the attention" " Well you'll be getting it a lot now" says Lou. I grabbed Lou's hand and pulled him aside. " Wanna take me shopping later? I need new outfits to keep up with you guys" Lou's smiled got so big " Guuuurl are you kidding me? I'd love to take you! " We sat down at the table, Niall sat on one side and Harry sat on the other. It was awkward since they both put there hands on one leg each, fuck why must I choose?

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