5. blinding lights..

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*tw angst? graphic and sh*
dakota pov

next thing i know, bright light head toward us, blinding me. i blackout. i wake up with a pounding headache and feel blood everywhere on me and black out again. this time i wake up in the hospital, "where am i?"
"hi honey!" a lady says sweetly to me, "how are hou feeling?"
"um i'm feeling okay, my head and body hurts a bit, but um who are you?"
"what do you mean who am i? honey, i'm your mother."
a person in a white coat, who seems to be a doctor, walks in and interrupts saying,
"hello ms. carter, your daughter will have a big memory loss, due to major head trauma. we aren't fully sure if her memory will come back or not, but if it does eventually, contact us."
the lady who says shes my mother bursts into tears, "oh my poor baby, i'm so sorry this happened." she says tearfully, voice breaking, "i'm going to be right back, okay?"
"uh okay?"
i dont know this lady, but i felt bad and started crying myself. the lady comes back with three guys that look the same and a girl that looks like me, one if the guys is injured too, but not as bad as me. the lady comes back upto me and asks, "honey, do you remember your name?"
"my name? um. uh. i-i don't remember" i say, tears forming in my eyes, "i-i'm sorry"
"honey, do you remember any of these people?"
"no, but that girl looks like me," i say curiously, "is she my twin or sister or something?"
"yes, honey, shes your twin sister."
i see the three same looking guys all crying, especially the one that hurt. he comes upto me and says, "hi baby, i'm so so sorry that happened. i have nobody to blame but myself for what happened to you. i'm so so so sorry that i wasnt paying attention to the road, this is all my fault."
"what's your fault? who are you?"
"i'm your boyfriend, princess. see?"
the injured guy shows me pictures of us together.

 see?" the injured guy shows me pictures of us together

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