10. finale

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i sit there, confused and weirded out. i stare at chris in confusion, "um, babe? are you okay?" chris asks as i come back to reality.
"huh?" i say, puzzled, "oh, yeah i'm fine!!" i say as i turn back to the teacher.

at lunch

we sit at our table and nick, matt, kadie, ashton, and kaity (my sister) are there. i sit next to kadie and chris sits beside me. we talk about some random stuff. as we're talking sofia, addy, and taylor walk upto us, "oh no." i say, slightly getting afraid that they're going to do something to me or any of my friends. when they get to our table we all look at them and they start talking, "hey dakota, we wanted to apologize for everything madi's done. we shouldn't have let her do those things. we knew she liked chris as well, but we honestly never knew she'd go that far. we're really sorry." sofia said sincerely.
"oh, thank you sofia," i reply, "but there has been one thing on my mind lately." i begin to say and everyone looks at me. i continue, "when chris asked me out, i saw you starting to cry. why was that?" i ask out of shear curiousity.
"oh- i- uh-" she stuttered out.
"i mean, you really don't have to answer if you don't want to. i was just curious if you were going through something that day." i say, feeling bad for asking. her and her little clique walk away and davis starts walking up to our table. chris looks at me, "what was that about?" he asked, bewildered.
"when you asked me out, she started crying and i didn't know if it was because she likes you or because of something else. but now i feel bad for asking because i feel like i invaded her personal information." i say and look over to the end of the table that sofia and them were just at and davis stops right there. kadie and i look at him, then each other. what is davis doing at our school?? she asked. ( a/n they can tell just by looking at each other like how my bsf and i can lmaoo) i don't know, he's in all mine and chris' classes so far and i'm confused. i reply. we look back at davis, "hey kots and kads." he says in a flirty tone. matt and chris look at him with a revolted look. i look at him grossed out and kadie just rolls her eyes, "how have you guys been?" he asks.
"um, good? what do you want?" kadie replied.
"um, rude much? like jeez, what'd i do?" he retorted, "anyways, you guys look really fine now, do either one of you wanna go out with me?" he says and looks at me and winks. chris and matt stand up and chris starts talking, "who the fuck do you think you are?"
"yeah, what do you think you're doing asking our girlfriends out?" matt agrees with chris.
"woah, no need to get so defensive." davis says.
"well, we're gonna get defensive since they're our girlfriends." chris says in an annoyed tone.
"okay, well um, kaity, you wanna go out with me?" he asks desperatly.
"bitch, what the fuck do you think you're talking about?" she says aggrevated, "you just tried asking my sister and my pretty much other sister out. just because they say no, doesn't mean you move onto me you fucking hoe. like fuck off bitch. go find some other hoe to play." she finishes. we all cheer her on and he walks away in shame. she smiles proudly and we all continue our conversation from earlier. we are going on break soon for christmas and i'm going snowboarding for the first time with my mom, sisters, step-dad, and kadie.

the night before we go on break

i'm spending the night with chris before i leave tomorrow to go snowboarding, "i don't wanna leave youuu," i say while pouting to chris, "i'm gonna miss you so much."
"i know baby, but it won't be long!" he said reassuring.
"but two weeks is a long timeee." i said whining like a little kid. he chuckled and we just talked about random things. we eventually fell asleep. i didn't really want to sleep because i wanted to spend more time with him. but i had to. i was later woken up by chris. i groaned. "i don't wanna leave youu." i whined.
"it's okay baby, it's just two weeks." he kept telling me. my dad came and picked me up. i kissed chris goodbye and got in the car. kaity was in the very back by herself and mom and my stepdad were in the front, so i sat in the back with kadie. we all were silent the whole way there and i drifted to sleep. we got there and i immediately texted chris. i hopped out of the car and claimed my bedroom. after i did that i grabbed my stuff and unpacked. i really wish chris was here. it was late so i laid down on the bed and slept.

woken up

i woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. i got up and got ready for the day. i forgot i wasn't at home or in the triplets house so i had to go to every door to find the bathroom. after i fully woke myself up and did my skincare, i got out of the bathroom and went to find the kitchen. when i found it i made coffee, poured myself a cup, and sat outside on the porch which over-viewed the mountains. it was mesmerizing. kadie had joined me after a while of me looking at the view. "so, how did you sleep?" she asked me.
"oh, i slept pretty good. though i did miss having someone with me." i told her.
"honestly me too. i miss matt so much." she continued. i felt her pain, but we can go a bit without them, right? after a while everyone else was up and we all went snowboarding/skiing. i was doing really well but someone had stopped right in front of me so i almost fell but someone had caught me. i look up, "thank you so much." i said to them. they helped me stand up all the way, "you're welcome, kota." they told me. i was confused but before i could ask, the snowboarded away. i tried catching upto them but i lost them. i took a little break, i took out my phone and texted kaity because she hurt herself so she can't do anything.
me: do you know if anyone else we know is here?
kaits🙄: uhh no not that i know of
kaits🙄: why??
me: i fell and someone caught me and i thanked them then they said you're welcome kota
kaits🙄: huh, i couldn't tell ya bud
me: mkay well im gonna try to find them then

kaity pov
as soon as kota stopped texting i immediately went to texting chris about it.

me: um kota texted me about you being here.
me: she's suspicious
chris🤮: oh no, it's because i accidentally said her name when i said you're welcome
me: you're so dumb
chris🤮: you're lucky i can't be mean to my future sister in law
me: whatever bro

im not snowboarding or anything because im faking to make sure kota doesn't see any of the triplets and because i'm really lazy. i just sat down on the porch and watched people snowboard and ski. someone started walking upto our house and knocked on the door. i immediately ran to see who it was. i opened the door, "um yes?" i asked.
"i'm so sorry to intrude but may i use your restroom?" she inquired.
"oh uh yes, let me show you where it is." i told her. she was really pretty. i led her through the house and showed her the bathroom. i went back to the living room. i wanted to get her number but was afraid she'd say no or is straight. when she came out i decided to ask her. "hey, uh, can i have your number? i thought you were kinda pretty and you seem really nice." i timidly asked.
"oh yeah it's (xxx) xxx-xxxx! and my names katherine, kate for short." she informed me.
"my names kaitlyn, kaity for short," i said, "and would you like to come over later? if you can?" i finished.
"yes, i can kaity." she said it, flirting slightly. i felt my face become a shade of pink. she went to the door, looked back at me and winked, then walked out. i freaked out and texted kota immediately.

me: YUPP

we keep texting till she decided to go snowboarding again.

dakota pov
i put my phone back in my pocket and snowboard again. i go to one of the skilifts and wait in the line till i get on one with two random people. i start small talk with the one on my right and when he starts talking he sounds familiar. "hey do i know you??" i ask him.
"i don't know, do you?" he answers and we get to the top. i get off and go right to the tippy top of the mountain. he followed me and grabbed my hand. i immediately threw his hand off me, "i have a boyfriend, get off me." i sternly told him.
"well babe, i am your boyfriend." the familiar voice said again. chris? i thought. i turned immediately and it was chris. i smiled and jumped on him. he held me and we kissed. i jumped off and we snowboarded together. after a while we went back to the house and everyone was there, with an additional person. i'm guessing it was the girl kaity was talking about because she was laying her head on kaity. chris and i went to the porch infront of the mountain view and he gently kissed me in the forehead. i looked up at him and he looked down at me.

"christopher owen sturniolo
i will love you, always and forever."

and with that, the story has come to an end. i really hope you've enjoyed it!! go read my other ones if you've finished this one! or read my friend yk_ken 's stories!!

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i will love you, always and forever - chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now