9. return

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dakota pov

we go back to the triplets from going out and i run inside and jump on the couch. i turn the tv on and watch ashtons new video, "kota, don't forget we have school tomorrow." nick reminds me.
"WHAT. say sike right now." i say crying jokingly.
"nope, that means you gotta sleep earlier than you have been." he says like my dad.
"ugh you're not my daddd. can i at least sleep in chris' room?" i say annoyed.
"where else would you sleep?" chris chimes in.
"on the couch? or nicks room?" i say, "but i don't wanna sleep there, i wanna sleep in your room."
"so sleep in my room?" chris says confused.
"i will." i say. i get up from the couch and grab some clothes from chris' drawers and go to the bathroom to shower. i listen to mine and kadie's playlist while showering.

after showering

when i get out of the shower i put my hair in a towel and dry it a bit then take it out of the towel, brush it, and shake my head. i grab my dirty clothes and put them in the dirty clothes hamper. i walk out of the bathroom and go to chris' room. i walk in and he's on his computer playing fortnite. i sit down on his bed and go on my phone and scroll through instagram. i see one of kadie's posts.


@kadsgg - my new fav pic ❤️ @megamett44 @dakotassss

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@kadsgg - my new fav pic ❤️ @megamett44 @dakotassss

42748 likes❤️ 2849 favorites🏳️

@ash.armstrong : awwww you guys r so cutee
@kadsgg : u and nick r cuter thoo
@nic.zz : i agree with this information
@dakotassss : i took that pic 💪

34791 more...

i look up and see that chris is playing solos, "ooo can i play with you, chris?" i ask curiously.
"yes of course! are you okay with playing on the tv?" he replies.
"yeah, i can do that! i can sign into my account on there too." i say happily. we play a couple rounds before going to sleep around 10.

we wake up

i wake up to chris' alarm going off at 5:00. we get up and i get an outfit, my phone, and go to the bathroom. i get my clothes on and walk back into the room. as soon as i walk out, chris walks in the room and sees me, he walks over to me and puts his hands on my waist and i put mine on his shoulder. we hug there, adoring each others company for a while. nick walks in and sees us, "oh, am i interupting?" he says looking around the door.
"no, we were just hugging." i say letting go.
"well, we're waiting for you guys in the car." nick says urgently.
"okay, we're on our way." chris replies. we grab our bags and walk out the door. chris and i hop in the back of the car. i go on my phone and post the picture from this morning.


@dakotassss - school fittt (im prolly gonna have one of chris' zipup hoodies)

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@dakotassss - school fittt (im prolly gonna have one of chris' zipup hoodies)

63748 likes❤️ 4274 favorites 🏳️

@nic.zzz : holy shitt ur fine asfff. me rn:😻
@dakotassss : ur finer (is finer a word??)
@chrisspy_creme : im blessed (which hoodie u want from me?)
@dakotassss : any hoodies work
@daveyluvsher : damn u fine af

53744 more...

huh. who's this davey guy? i think. i click on his account and realize he was my childhood crush from a long time ago. holy shit. how did he even find me? i was very confused, "kota, who's davey??" chris asked because he saw the comments.
"um. he's my childhood friend. i have no clue how he even found me." i say, still confused.
"oh, weird." he replied, suspisious of the guy still. we arrive to school and i walk with chris to his locker, "baby, i'm kinda scared being back." i say.
"oh? why's that?" he asked me.
"what if madi's friends want to hurt me or something? it's just stressful being back after what happened." i say, stressfully.
"don't worry, babe. you got me in every class! nobody can lay a single finger on you. trust me." he says, lovingly.
"i'm so lucky to have you." i reply, relieved.
"yes, yes you are." he answers sassily. ( a/n i dont rlly know the word im looking for lmao )
we walk to my locker next and go to our first class. chris and i sit down next to each other and talk about waffles, pancakes, and french toast. class starts and our science teacher, mr. harrison, walked into the room with another student. he started speaking, "class, this is our new student. his name is davis." he continues, "you can sit next  to dakota. dakota, raise your hand for davis to sit next to you please." i look up from looking at chris and raise my hand. as i look at davis i realize who he is. it was my childhood crush. he looks at me and winks. i raise my eyebrows, not knowing how to function and turn back over to chris.

i didnt quite know what to do tbh 😭

859 words

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