christmas! (CHRIStmas short story)

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context : a few years later, they all graduated high school and now live together, their house has dakota, chris, kadie, matt, nick. and ashton. they live in la but visit boston together a lot.

dakota pov

i wake up on christmas morning and immediatly wake up chris next to me, "BABE! WAKE UP!! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" i frantically try to wake him up. i see his beautiful blue eyes flicker open in confusion, "baby, can you chill please?" he says chuckling sleepily, "I'M SORRY, I'M JUST REALLY EXCITED!" i reply excitedly.
"i understand, but give me a few seconds to wake up." he says, god i love his voice, his eyes, everything about him, and just him in general. i don't know how i got so lucky. i admire him and he notices me staring, "like what you see?" he says jokingly.
"i love what i see. i love you." i remark.
"i love you too, babe." he replies. he finally sits up and rubs his eyes. i jump out of the bed and pull chris up, we're both wearing our matching grinch pajama pants. we take a picture for insta and post it. ( a/n the pic i think was taken in a grocery store but we wont mind that lmao )



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- merry CHRIStmas! (get it, because chris is named chris? lol) chris and i wish u all a good christmas 💗


@saint.nic : merry christmas lovey (nd chris) 💕
-@asht.lou : HEY WHAT ABOUT ME?
-@saint.nic : merry christmas cosmoo💓
-@asht.lou : merry chrimas nicoo ❤️
@CHRIStmas_party : love you baby 😻
@kadie_plus_matt : "happy christmas" - matt

19366 more...

god, we haven't changed at all since high school. this is gonna be a good christmas, i feel it. i grab chris's hand and run through the door and drag him downstairs, "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE, GET UP!!" i yell throughout the house to get everyone up. i hear doors open and head to the living room, still dragging chris and jump on the couch to sit down. i see kadie and matt come down first, "merry christmas guys." matt says in a sleepy voice and chris smiles at him. i lay down on chris's lap and wait for ashton and nick to come down, they come down a couple minutes later, "okay, we can open presents now!" nick affirms. i sit on the floor and pass gifts to everyone. after i pass all the gifts out i sit where i put mine, next to chris and we begin opening them. we did it youngest to oldest. i went first, then chris, then kadie, then matt, then ashton, and finally nick. when we all finish, we exchange out secret santa gifts. i got nick, nick got kadie, kadie got ashton, ashton got chris, chris got matt, and matt got me. we all got really cool gifts. matt got me new airpods, which i'd been really hoping for, chris got matt a bunch of new clothes, ashton got chris matching pajamas for me and him (a lot), kadie got ashton new jewelry, nick got kadie a ton of steve lacy things and new airpods because apparently matt ruined her old ones in high school, and i got nick some jewelry and hoodies because ashton took a bunch of his. we are all very happy with our gifts. we all chatted about all of our presents till someone, no, three people walked through the door. addy, andrew, and madi, "what the fuck are you guys doing here?" i asked rudely.
"we thought we could all restart!" addy says innocently.
"fuck no. you, madi, drove into chris's car to murder me, and you two cheated on kadie and matt! you really think we can forgive you guys? after ALL that you've done to us? no, get the fuck out. i don't know who you guys think you are, but you need to leave. now." i said annoyed that they think we can all restart.
"i-i really thought we could restart..." madi replied to my comments, thinking she'd be good to play innocent, "chrissy? please?" she looked at chris like an innocent doe.
"uh, maybe...SIKE! you really thought i would play into your little act? hell no. now all three of you get the fuck out before we actually let matt beat the shit out of andrew, after all, you are on OUR property." chris remarked, "now get the fuck out." madi looks at him with sad, teary eyes then runs out. the other two just stand there, addy then runs upto matt and jumps on him while yelling, "mattyyy i missed you!" matt looks at her, disgusted and throws her off him, "get the fuck off me, you fucking hoe." he says, grossed out. andrew and addy walk out.

i will love you, always and forever - chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now