Chapter 5

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Dem: Blood would start seeping out of the bullet wounds. "Joy-"

Jack: "Gee, you don't look too good there, partner..."

~The NCPD Officer would contact a trauma unit. Amy would watch without words.~

Dem: "Ya fuckin' think? You try getting hit with a barrage of bullets."

Jack: "N-Not really, no..."

~An AV would land beside them.~

Dem: "I sure as hell ain't invincible."

Officer: "Let's go. We'll try to save you."

~The officer helps Dem onboard.~

Dem: "Good luck with that."

Officer: "Hey, at least you'll be treated by the best people in night city."

Dem: "Pretty sure all my tech is damaged beyond repair. Not to mention a few bullets probably hit vital organs."

Officer: "You'll definitely be in the hospital for a while."

~The trauma medics treat Dem while en route to the hospital. The officer would take off his hat and lean against the door.~

Officer: "This is the craziest day of my career...I think everyone's career."

Dem: "I'm going to turn off my healing powers now, so you'd better be prepared."

Officer: "What do ya mean?"

Dem: "I need to save some energy in case the worst comes to pass."

Officer: "We're on our way to a hospital. I doubt much will occur."

Dem: "I mean, the only reason the wounds aren't super bad is cause I've been attempting to heal them."

Officer: "Ah. So you have like..powers?"

Dem: "Technically, I'm going to be going to jail soon. Yeah, I have way over the legal limit of powers."

Officer: "What did you do? I don't think I've come across you before."

Dem: "Mass murder, and taunting two officers who were on the scene." She'd look out the window. "Never wanted to kill people."

Officer: "Good lord."

Dem: "I had to, though. I needed to survive."

Officer: "Just hope it was the bad guys..."

Dem: "Most of them were. A few innocents got caught in the midst, though. But, if that is all, I must turn my healing powers off."

Officer: "Huh..a real complicated life, then."

Dem: "Yeah." She'd proceed to turn her healing powers off. The wounds that weren't fully healed reverted back as there was nothing to help keep them in a semi-healed state. She'd then grip the side of the stretcher in extreme pain.

~The AV would dock at the hospital, and they would carry Dem to a surgery room. The medics would give Dem anesthesia and meds to die the pain down. They begin the operation. And it lasts a while.~

Dem: Her pulse would drop dangerously low, then flatline for a few seconds before returning to the same dangerously low level.

~They use modern technologies to bring it back to a more stable level. After a few hours, the surgery would be completed.~

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