Chapter 15

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~September 24, 2099, ~

CPL Emorson: "Wake up, everyone. We've got jobs to do today!"

~The time would be 9:40 AM.~

Jeremy: He'd get up slowly and remember where he was. "Fuck.." He'd look over at Dem.

Dem: She'd get up and hug Jeremy tightly. "Stay safe, alright?"

Jeremy: "Right."

Dem: She'd smile sadly before faking a genuine smile.

Private Soren (PVT): "Dudes, I just got a photo from a reporter in NC of the latest attack this morning!" He'd send Jeremy and Dem a photograph from Japantown via chip. "The city is a playground at this point..they aren't just targeting the corps."

Dem: "Then we need to stop them."

CPL Emorson: "Eat your breakfast, and be ready for your assignments!"

PVT Soren: "I'm headed to that area soon. Wish me luck."

Dem: "Good luck. You've got this."

~Everyone would be seated and begin to eat breakfast.~

Dem: She'd eat while sighing.

~The camouflage is reset, revealing Night City in a cloud of smoke, with fires just barely kissing the sky.~

~Jeremy would eat and look in the distance, eyeing the Biotechna Flats.~

Dem: "Just remember that necklace will protect you; it's a part of me, after all."

Jeremy: He'd struggle to get up with his equipment. "Y-Yep, I know."

~The sky would be clear, letting the sun scorch the land. The Biotechna flats next to the desert road would be visible from the mountain, tanks would begin to mobilize out of the campsite, and ground troops would start rolling out.~

Dem: "You seem to be struggling there."

SGT Nyco: "Alright, fellas, let's move out!"

Jeremy: "I'm good... Good luck out there, Dem. Better catch up to the group."

Dem: "If someone takes the necklace, do not let them get away."

~The soldiers would wait for Dem on the dirt road.~

Dem: "I also stored some extra powers in there for ya. Stay safe!"

Jeremy: "Ah, I'll be here. Don't worry about me, hun."

Dem: She'd run over to the group.

~Sergeant Nyco would walk the rest down the dirt road.~

Dem: "Let's bring down these corps!"

SGT Nyco: "Alright, activate your camouflage now. It should make you invisible and jam their ability to scan you."

Dem: She'd activate the camouflage.

~About 10 minutes of walking later, Dem's group would approach the facility stopping at the sign.~

Dem: "This place... It feels familiar."

SGT Nyco: "Keep your guard up! Swords out, and we'll move in! I will split you into two groups closer to the entrance. One will rush the lower floor, which should house the main base of operations for Militech, and the upper two floors, which house mainly droids. They are armed, so be careful; they can pinpoint the location of your Gunfire. So shoot accurately, and do not let them know your position." He'd split everyone into a group.

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