chapter-1(After 5yrs)

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Rain's Pov:
Everything was going good PrapaiSky got married,I and Payu got engaged even Saifah got a boyfriend and guess who?It's Som I was so happy.But in our destiny something else was written.It's been 5yrs Me and Payu broke up Yes ,we broke up.He misunderstood me that I have cheated on him He didn't let me explain also. He called me a sl*t,a**hole and what not he even slapped me and made me choke my neck.Do i really deserve this?I loved him wholeheartedly and in return he made me suffer like this.Even my bestfriend misunderstood  me while,when P'Gun blamed him I was the first who supported him and in return when I needed him the most he left my hands.My life in the university also got miserable everyone called me a cheater they called me a slut and the biggest thing is after 4 months of our breakup P'Payu started dating Ple I heard that they had one night stand by mistake and then they start dating.They hold hands infront of me,they kissed infront of me and...

"Sir sir....."
I came out of my thought when my secretary called me(Kim Dong-Ju rain's secretary)

Dong-ju:Sir,the clients have arrive.

Rain:Oh yes I'm sorry I'm coming.

Dong-ju:ok Sir.

I went to the meeting hall and the meeting was successful.It was a hundred million dollars project with our American clients.I was very happy bcoz of this success so I wanted to celebrate I went to a bar with Nia and Nozh(Rain' French and school frnds)as others were busy but I never imagined that whom I'm gonna meet.I entered in the bar when Nozh interupted me...

Nozh:Hey let's go and dance

Nia:Yeah come Nathan  we'll dance
(Nathaniel Agreste Rain's French name his Father is French and his mother is Thai-korean)

"No I don't want to dance you go I'll wait there"I said.


Nia:fine(in disappointment)

I went and sit in the nearby table when my eyes encountered Ple.Ple also noticed me,her eyes got widen and I feel like she was scared and angry to see me and then she left the bar after buying a bottle of beer.
After seeing her I remembered everything that happened to me 5yrs ago.......


End of chapter one in next chapter we're going to know what happened 5yrs ago.This is a small chapter next one is going to be big.
This is my first story and English is not my first language So if I do any mistake pls excuse☺☺.

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