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It was morning, like always Payu was the one to wake up and see his cute boyfriend's face sleeping on his chest.He smiled at his cute baby.He goes down to workout after 1 hour he came and see Rain sitting in the middle of the bed taking his phone on his hand with sad face.He went near to him and ask as if something has happened....

Payu:what happened darling?

Rain:nothing phi just worried about my nearly exam😔

Payu:there is nothing to worry about.I know you will never let me down.
Payu continues....
"And the biggest thing is that marks r never gonna judge u if u are doing ur best than nothing more is needed don't think about it just do your best that's enough😊"
Then Payu pecks on Rain lips and tell him to take bath and freshen up and leaves to prepare breakfast for them as Saifah was out of town with Som for trip.

Here Rain was thinking that what his father has said.....
In phone,
Rain's father(in phone):Listen Nathan do whatever u want live your life as u want but I want u to graduate with great marks and if not I'm gonna cut all the ties with u remember that now prepare yourself for the exam.

His father didn't even let him talk and cut the phone after talking his own.

Rain thought that how much he has been abused by his mother and other family members.He never told this to anyone not even Payu or Sky and then when his phone starts to ring again now it was Sky.

Rain:hello Sky yes what happened why u called me so early in the morning?

Sky:Early morning?
Rain it's already 8am

Rain:yes so what?

Sky:Rain don't tell me that u forgot

Rain:what I forgot?

Sky:Rain today is the last day of our project forgot again

Rain:oh about that don't worry I already preapared my project and today I'm not going to be late

Sky:today u sound too confident good alright see u then

Saying this Sky hung up the phone
Sky said that Rain is confident while he was way too nervous that what if the examiners cancel his project.
After thinking so much he finally took bath,got ready and came down with his project to see his Payu preparing breakfast for them.
They had their breakfast by chatting and then Payu dropped Rain to his Uni and leave for his office.
Rain's project was accepted and praised by the examiners and he got full marks.He was really happy and exited to tell Payu that how the examiners praised him and his idea.

At night,during dinner

"p'payu?"Rain asked exitedly

Payu understood immediately that something good happened
He gave a pretty smile and curiously asked"It sounds like something good happened"

"yes"Rain admit.

Rain:you know today the examiners praised me and my idea they also gave me full internal marks which r gonna be added in the exam.

Payu:see I told u that if you give your best nothing is going to stop u from your success

Rain:Hmmm thanks phi for staying by my side everytime.

Payu smiled and said
Payu:no matter what I'll always be in your side sweetheart .
As my darling did so good he deserve some reward. right?


Payu:should we go on a date tomorrow?

Rain:yesss...yesss(said exitedly)

Next day......
As usual Payu dropped Rain to Uni and went to his office.Rain was exited for his date today.
Sky and others could see his excitement easily.

Sig:what happened Rain?u are in a good mood today.

Sky and Ple also ask the same question.

Rain:actually today I'm going on a date with p'payu and nothing else.

Everyone was happy except Ple as she was jealous of Rain.


End of chapter 2😊
In next chapter we are going to see the misunderstanding part🥲

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