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Ple hide her jealousy towards Rain,also the day somehow went away too fast and all the classes and everyone was going home as Rain and his grp reached the Uni gate another grp of 4 came upon.They were foreigners so they soon caught everyone's attention and as Rain saw them a big smile appeared on his face he immediately said bye👋 to his grp and ran towards the other and left.Everyone was confused that who were they with whom Rain went.
Well,they were Rain's high school French frnds namely Nozh,Nia,Nicholas and Natalie.Who came to surprise him as it was his birthday .Rain never celebrate his birthday bcoz he always used to forgot as in his family never celebrate his bday only his these frnds know his bday date and they're the only one to celebrate his bday.
They went to a bar and Rain completely forgot about his date with Payu even his phone was also in silent.Payu was calling him continuously and texting him but no reply Payu really got very tensed.
So finally he decided to call Sky.
Sky told everything abt what happened in the Uni.
Payu was literally shocked to hear that Rain forgot abt their date and went with others.He was little bit angry at Rain also for being so careless.
In the bar,
Rain was sitting with Nozh and others went at the dance floor for dancing .
Nozh eyes falls on a bartender who was handsome and cute.He fell in love with the bartender.His hands were on Rain's shoulder and as he bent down a little bit to tell Rain that he fell for that bartender someone took their pics in an angle from where it seems like they're kissing and sent those pics to Payu.Unaware to all these they were enjoying and Nozh started to flirt with that bartender it seemed like the bartender was also interested in him and finally when bcoz of some reason Rain take his phone he remembered abt their date and so 47 missed calls and 78 texts.He got too scared he knew that today something is going to happen and it was already 10pm so book a cab,excuse himself and left.

Here Sky and Prapai was also at Payu's home when payu's phone rang and when he saw those pics of Rain with some random guy his blood starts to boil and as mentioned before the pics were intentionally clicked in an angle where it seems like the guy was kissing Rain and seeing those pics Payu couldn't control himself and decided to go to find Rain,but when he took two steps Rain arrived.He saw Sky and Prapai also but he saw that Prapai was confused and Sky was angry while,Payu was total enraged.Before he could speak anything Payu ran towards him and slapped him then before Rain could pick his head up Payu grabbed his neck and asked......

Payu:why?Rain why? What mistake I have done that u did this to me?
Was my love not enough for u?huh

Payu grabbed Rain's neck so hard that Rain started to choke and the prapai came and released Rain from Payu.Rain asked in teary eyes🥺

Rain:what did I do?

Payu yelled"shut up don't speak here I was planning abt our future and u are kissing another guy,you bloody sl*t .I never thought that you'll also be an a**h*le"

Hearing to these Rain couldn't speak anything.

Sky:Rain how could u cheat on phi he loved u so much and u did this to him.You're really a sl*t an a**h*le.

Rain:what r u all saying u guys r misunderstanding me🥺

But none Sky nor Payu let Rain explain and was yelling at Rain so much.Only Prapai was trusting Rain he wanted him to explain but no one let him to speak also.

Payu:Rain take your all the stuffs and get lost.

Rain was not able to speak so he goes to the room took all his stuffs just left some gifts given by Payu to him and atlast when he was going he took off their engagement ring and left.

After leaving Payu's house he went to his dorm.Whole night Rain was crying he didn't sleep.While Payu was so much anry and enraged that not a single tear came out from his eyes.

Next morning,
When Rain reached to Uni he found out that their breakup news already spread and everyone was blaming him and calling him a cheater he somehow manages his emotions.Sky was the one to spread it.He told everyone abt it and also told them not to talk with him.

Rain was extremely pained to see that🥺.

The whole day Rain has face all these things,still he controlled his tears and finally the day was over.In the night again Rain cried😭.


End of chapter 3
The next chapter will be the last chapter of flashback.Then we will se Rain's comeback😊.
Thank you❤.

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