The truth

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"Nathaniel"Nia called shouting.

"Yes"Rain replied.
Nia:Nozh got drunk too much we need to go home
Rain:again? fine let's go

Rain and Nia took Nozh to his Penthouse and they also to their home as tomorrow they have to attend two parties.

Here Ple also got too drunk and....
Door bell rang.
Payu:sure it's Ple.
Pai:go and open the door.

Payu opened the door to see ple fully drunk

Ple:hi baby Im so so sorry I shouted on u now gimme a kiss😘
Saying this ple fall upon Payu and start seducing him which Payu didn't like he tried pushing her when,Ple got angry and start talking abt Rain.

Ple:Oh It's me that's why u r pushing.
But when u were dating Rain u were the one to act clingy u used kiss him infront of us while,Rain was the one to push u.

Payu:ple don't bring that topic u r fully drunk.

Ple:don't give me these kind of excuse.
While dating Rain u both never had a fight but ever since u started dating me u r continuously fighting and avoiding me 😠
Now if he comeback to you you will leave me and go back to him.

Hearing this payu got fully angry😡

"yes I avoid u bcoz I never even liked u also and abt Rain he was far better from u in everything.Ik he cheated on me but he never behaved with me like this.We just had one night stand by mistakely and u keep bugging on me that's why I dated u.But from the day u started dating u r only asking money and phi this phii that.Im fed up of u.If I used to cook for us at home instead of going out on a date outside u never agreed while,Rain used to be happy the most whenever I used to do small things for him🥺" .Payu's eyes got full teary while talking abt Rain.

"o really then why didn't u trusted ur Rain when he was trying to explain u huh.You didn't believe in him nor Sky and u know what I loved u before Rain but maybe he can love u more than me.So what I did all those things just to get u and u r avoiding me". Ple said

Sky:what do u mean by I did all those things ple?

"I was the one to click those pics of Rain with that man.The man was just Rain's childhood frnd and nothing.He was flirting with the bartender of that bar.I took the photos in an angle that it seemed like they were kissing".Ple admitted

Payu grabbed her hand tightly and said"how could u do this Ple😡".

Ple shout"You're talking abt this huh then let me tell u one more thing.One day when u were in the bar I came and tried consoling u but u shouted on me then u went outide to take ur call remember?".

"Yes"payu admitted.

"At that time I mixed drug on ur drink and when u were drunk I took u at my dorm and seduced u.You also give in as u were not in yourself then we fucked up.And I wanted that so u could say yes to my proposal".ple said

Hearing this Payu left ple's hand.
There was complete silence when sky said"That means Rain was right he never cheated on u phi😭".he said fully crying .

Prapai was consoling Sky and Ple was still blabbering when Payu shouted

"Get lost from my house and never show me your face u bitch🤬".

Prapai:Payu what r u saying?
Atleast wait for the morning.We r in France and Ple don't know anything abt here plus she is drunk also ,what if something happen to her?

Payu😡:I don't care(he shouted)
After knowing wht she had done to me Idc for her.

Prapai:Ik but plz atleast wait for the morning.
And we all r here for our official work.
So we just can't leave eachother in between.
We have a ceremony to attend tomorrow remember?
So plz cooperate.

Sky:Yes phi plz just for one night then tomorrow morning do whatever u want we'll not stop u promise.

Payu:ok but just for tonight.

Ple was drunk so she wasn't understanding anything and jst blabbering .
(she slept on the living room sofa as after knowing the truth no one can now care for her so they left her there in that condition)

Prapai: baby pls control.

Sky:but how?I didn't trust him, instead of listening to him that day I spread the news in the whole University thinking that wht Rain did was wrong and now he will be punished whereas I was wrong not him😭.
Now where could I find him?
How could I apologize to him?

Saying this Sky started hitting on Prapai's chest.

Prapai:Ik baby but no matter wht I'll find my nong for you for Payu for Saifah and for me.

"I'm so sorry baby😭 I should've listened to u tht day I hurt u so much even for making u jealous I hold tht bitch's hand I kissed her infront of u I'm sorry Ik I messed up a big time but I'll find u I'll do everything to earn ur forgiveness 🥺 just one chance😭 I'm sorry😥".Payu was talking with him these things

I knew that Rain will never cheat on Payu but I never expected that it was an evil plan of Ple.
I never thought that she'll be like this.

"wht evil plan Ple made"Som asked.

Saifah:I'll tell everything baby don't worry.
Ok pai I'm coming France by tomorrow.

Prapai:Yes plz come as soon as possible I controlled Sky but Payu🥺.
I can't control Payu.

Saifah:fine bye good night

Prapai:hmm bye.

Prapai and sky slept but Payu was talking with himself and blaming.

Som:Now tell me phi wht happened ?
Wht have Ple done?wht evil plan?

Then Saifah explained everything to Som.

Som:shame on her how could she do this?😡
Phi I'll also go to France with u plz🥺.

Saifah:Ok now let's sleep.

It was midnight and finally after crying so much Payu slept.


Thank u so much for reading.
I hope u like this chapter in next chapter something is going to happen wait for it😊.
I'm not sure tht I can upload new chapters frequently as in my area there r some network issues,So don't mind😊 and plz wait for new chapters❤.

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