Payu saw 🌧

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Next morning
Payu's house,

Ple was really scared after what happened last night.She was not understanding wht to do,when Payu,Sky and Prapai came downstairs they were fully enraged and Ple also knew this especially Payu.

Ple saw Payu with her bags and luggage.

Ple:Phi pls let me explain.I was just joking I just wanted to see that do u still love Rain or not and nothing phi.

Sky was going to say when.....

"oh really Ple then wht did u find out huh🤨".Payu said.

Payu:do i still love Rain or not.Tell me.

Ple:ph.....phi....actually (ple was choking she was not able to make any sentence)

"SHUT UP😡"Payu screamed.
Payu:enough of ur lies now get out of my house or else I'll do something that I shouldn't 😡.

Sky:Can't u hear get out!
(prapai stayed calm bcoz he was still in touch with Rain and he knew wht will happen next)

Ple then left.

Sky:phi let's go and get ready we've to attend the show also.

Pai:yes Payu let's get ready.

Payu:hmm ok😔
(payu's face was fully after knowing the truth)

In Rain's house,

Rain woke up and did his exercises.
Now Rain also got abs😏.He now knows to fight and many things.
(Now he's gonna be known as power bottom🤌)

He cook and did his breakfast then washed all the dishes.He then got ready as he was having an important award show to attend.

Everyone's outfits:



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